I am a junior at high school. In the British system (A levels). I’d really like for you people to give me advice on which college is right for me and which can I get into.
So first off, I’m not form the US or the UK… However I’d love to go to college there. I’m form a kind of a third world country( name starts with a P) (in the sub continent).
I am currently at a great Alevels school. I love physics, math and biology. I originally wanted to become a doctor however I started growing a huge interest towards technology and engineering. ( I’ve read many researches and books out of course). So I’m looking for recommendations in both these fields as well as actuarial sciences.
Here is a list of all my achievements in and out of school:
-top of my class at olevels
-4.8 GPA at alvels school
-won many Olympiads
-done research internships with PHD doctors in bio med
-learning French and getting certified
-swimming as a hobby
-photography courses taken.
-expected new SAT score 1400-1560
-straight As in Olevels and expecting the same in Alevels
-head of a big department at school (can’t tell you the name)
-200 teachers assistant hours
-100 community service hours
PS. Sorry for not disclosing some things
PPS. I am looking for colleges that offer scholarships as I can afford to pay only up to $15000 a year.