hello i am a junior and i need some help

<p>i am looking to see what good med colloges and pre med colleges are out there and i am need some help i dont know where to start or what colleges to cheak out plz give me some feed back</p>

<p>Really, you can do pre-med at any good college, even if it's a liberal arts school.
It would be much more helpful if we knew what area of the country you were interested in.</p>

<p>hey knightlol,
1. big or small school?
2. LAC or public?
3. interests? music, polisci, math, etc.?
4. stats?
5. urban or towny?
give us as much info about what kind of school you want to go to, and you can succeed in med school applications no matter where you go. the important thing is to be happy or at least not miserable for four years.</p>

<p>hey well i am looking for a small school um public or lac dosent matter my intrests are like surjury and bio urban will be best can u guys help plz?</p>

<p>Where do you live? What are your grades/classes? Stats? We could just start throwing out names but that would be random.</p>

<p>its kinda hard to give you a list without knowing anything about your situation</p>

<p>my grades are between an a an b+ avrage its about a 3.8 3.9 on a scale going to 4.0 i live in new jersey i take a major for i take cem and a mostly since classes aside from my core calsses</p>

<p>See how you do on the SATs, and then start forming your list more realistically. You're in the beginning of your junior year, relax and start your search near the end of it.</p>