<p>I'm a high school debater who is drowning in the seemingly 5 million colleges out there that interest me in one way or another. I have a few criteria, but mostly I would like to find somewhere that fits. You know, somewhere that gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside when I think about it. Only not quite so cliche :P</p>
<p>I want to go to college to learn everything I can about everything that I am interested in. I want to pursue a major in International Relations, possibly doubling in Middle Eastern Studies or Women's Studies. I am also interested in Asian-American Studies. It's more important to me to learn and to develop what I know than to get perfect grades.</p>
<p>For the feel, I want to be surrounded by people who love to learn, and think. Small classes with direct attention from professors would be nice, with a tightknit student body who have informed political opinions. Also, it would be nice to not be too athletics based.</p>
<p>In terms of campus, I'm looking for something with a New England/prep school feel, with lots of brick, snow, and trees. I would love collegiate gothic architecture with bell/clock towers, and it needs to have cold winters!</p>
<p>Ideally there would be a parliamentary debate program, but I can deal with policy debate. Any sort of debate society is near essential for me.</p>
<p>Middlebury, Brown, Vassar, and Dartmouth all sort of fit, but they are all reaches for me. My stats are as follows:</p>
<p>3.6 weighted GPA
I may or may not be in 10% of class, at least 15% out of 360
790 verbal/720 math/720 writing = 2230, retaking
APs taken: English Language, Bio, English Lit, Latin Lit, Psych, Calc</p>
<p>National finalist in debate (top 10), ranked first in nation in my class with many national, district, and state awards, captainship of school team, middle school coach, President of state league, American team for the World Debate Championship, attended four summer institutes that are the most prestigious in the nation... this is my absolute passion.</p>
<p>President of Amnesty International, Districts and All-States rec in Viola, Concerto soloist, Red belt in Tae Kwon Do, math tutor, assistant teacher to autistic children, DNC volunteer, Young Democrats, voluntee, this is getting long. But I think you get the idea.</p>
<p>Where would I realistically fit in and have a chance? As corny as it sounds, I REALLY just want to learn everything that I can in college, and be surrounded by the same thirst for knowledge. Any advice would be much appreciated!</p>