<p>I'm stunned. I took my first SAT back in March and scored a 2010. In preparation for my second SAT, I began taking practice tests which I eventually began scoring in the 2200's on. On the June test I felt highly confident with all three sections aside from the essay (I ran out of time and was unable to finish). So, seeing that my scores fell 80, 60 and 70 points on the critical reading, math and writing sections, respectively, I'm utterly confused as to how this drastic drop occurred. I'm sure people will think I just had a bad day, but I assure them this was not the case (I was fully confident with my answers and was in a great testing mood). I really don't think it likely that I messed up on the scantron since all three sections were affected (though I could be wrong). </p>
<p>I hate making excuses, but is it possible that my test was scored incorrectly? I know that is highly improbable (though I do remember hearing about a similar incident occurring with the October '05 test), but I just can't see how I managed to score so much lower than expected or how else my answers could have been misinterpreted. If there's anything I can do to fix this or actually see my test (I could very well have performed as my scores report), what should I do? And if I'm unable to solve this, can I somehow convince collegeboard to cancel these scores? I've heard some schools average ALL of your SAT scores, and I can not afford to have these scores factored into the admissions to my desired colleges. And I do plan on re-taking the test in October if all else fails. Any words of advice or answers to my numerous questions (sorry) would be immensely appreciated. :]</p>
<p>March '07 - 2010
C - 640
M - 700
W - 670 (11 essay)</p>
<p>June '07 - 1800
C - 560
M - 640
W - 600 (8 essay - ran out of time, so this was [the only thing] expected)</p>