Help a aspiring Software Engineer chose a college

<p>I don't think I will ever get the marks for MIT, so that is out of the question.</p>

<p>So far, I am a Sophmore, I have a 3.6GPA UW. I am not sure what I will score on the SAT but I expect in the low 600s to mid 600s, I could shock myself and score a 800 though...never know.</p>

<p>That is just so you know me as a student if you want to throw suggestions. </p>

<p>I want to become a Software Engineer or a Video Game Programmer, technically there the same thing. Though I am having trouble picking a college. I DON'T want to get a major in game development itself, perhaps a Computer Science with Game Development specialty.</p>

<p>I want a college that has a strong gaming community.</p>

<p>So if you know any others like that, suggest them!
Here are my picks so far....</p>

<p>Suggest one or pick one.</p>

<p>Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Pros: Great Software Engineer major and also a great Princeton Review recognized game development major I can minor in. Has a great gaming community. Has co-op.
Cons: EXPENSIVE, $30,000 as year >.<</p>

<p>Drexel University
Pros: Same academic kind of thing like RIT but in the city and better reputed.
Cons: Not as strong of a gaming community EXPENSIVE</p>

<p>UMBC "University of Maryland Baltimore County"
Pros: In my hometown area! Honors college, with a decent academic program with computer science and game development. CHEAP
Cons: No gaming community, but since close to home I know the people around here and LAN centers around here. </p>

<p>UCLA "You guys know what this is..."
Pros: Considered the best in game development and strong computer science area. Close to the game industry so I can get an internship and not have to move across the country. Great school :)
Cons: Don't think I can get in, EXPENSIVE, and far from home. </p>

<p>Others I considered are
Penn State
Georgia Tech
University of Maryland College Park
Florida Southern College
University of Colorado
University of Utah
University of Washington State
Southern Methodist University</p>

<p>I lean more towards UMBC, but also really like the whole scene at RIT and UCLA.</p>

<p>Oh yeah another thing, all those TV commerical colleges or phony trade schools DON'T suggest to me please. For example, University of Advancing Technology I hear is a joke, DigiPenn is good but won't get me a job outside of game development, and Full Sail is far to expensive.</p>