<p>Thread title says it all lol, I would love a 2250+ (in my perfect dream world)... but loving still doesn't beat a good SAT workout regimen.</p>
<p>I'll be a junior this coming school year, and this means preparing for the SAT as diligently as I can (I hope to take it in March, and then re-take in May unless I outperform my expectations). Have to admit that my SAT prep so far this summer has been a bit stagnant, simply because I don't know where to look for resources.</p>
<p>I just finished reading most of the sticked threads here (except for silverguide's since it'll take some time to finish the incredible thread)... I want to get started and hunt that SAT score like an animal lol.</p>
<p>Atm: I have the Blue Book with me, and some old 2007 Barron's prep book, as well as mass reservations in my library coming in. I took a diagnostic test from the Barron book around 3 weeks ago and got an 1880. Last Thursday, I took a test from the BB and got around 2030.</p>
<p>W: 610, R: 660, M:760</p>
<p>I suck at Writing (grammar rules are breaking me down), am okay at Reading (need help on vocab, will need the Direct Hits book) but Math has never been a problem for me (need to watch out for stupid errors mainly).</p>
<p>Basically need some help from CCers on creating a plan that will lead me to being as prepared as possible for the Jan/March 2012 SAT.</p>
<p>Well for writing you should memorize the types of writing rules that the SAT tests you on…it’s imperative you do so. After this, you will need to focus on No Error problems which is the hardest part for the grammar.</p>
<p>For reading, you will need to actively read. Read magazines, news articles, and classic books. For the vocab, I guess use Direct Hits.</p>
<p>For writing: I think I saw a thread on here titled 10 days to a 12… It was really helpful.</p>
<p>For me taking test and analyzing my mistakes and the proper answers really helps. Its really time consuming, but well worth it.</p>
<p>Thanks. :P</p>
<p>I’ve been trying my best to actively read (stuff like the NY Times, Time Magazine etc…) - feel like I’m a slow reader and that sometimes my brain doesn’t comprehend what I’m reading… I need to up my speed and focus more basically. </p>
<p>How exactly should I review my tests? Should I go over the ones that I got correct? Like lets say Reading for instance, I’m guessing that I should be looking up every sentence completion word that I didn’t know?</p>
<p>You should go over all the ones you got wrong or had trouble with even if you got them right.
This is especially true for Math and Writing.</p>
<p>take practice tests… and start memorizing vocabulary. i wish i had done this sooner (im taking the sat once more in october and need to improve my critical reading lol)</p>
<p>Just got Princeton 2011 and Gruber’s from my public library. Will be making flashcards to memorize the vocab (lol I thought Hit Parade was a separate book but was pleasantly surprised to see that it wasn’t).</p>
<p>How often I should be taking practice tests, and how many should I aim for? I’m going to prepare as much as I can during the school year as well but junior year is going to be crap with the sports, AP exams, projects, and other activities that I’m doing.
<p>Just need some advice on how I should study during this summer, and then during the school year. </p>
<p>I read that I should be saving my BB tests for last - is this true? If so, I’ll just take the Princeton Review practice tests then.</p>
<p>honestly, since you have like a year before you will even take it, just do a few problems each night so you can get the feel of it, and then take a test on saturday or every othher saturday.</p>
<p>I’ll be taking another test tomorrow. :)</p>
<p>If I take my test in Jan, I only have 6 months… I really want to study well. I read that most people up their test count near the testing date so I’ll be sure to do that.</p>