Help a nervous junior please!!!! Will def chance back!!!!!

<p>Hey, so I'm a junior, and well... Freshman year Semester 1 was...shiiit, to say it simply hahah. I had a 3.14 UW GPA 3.5 W, and I had A C+ and 3 B/B-'s. Like seriously FML. :(. But on the bright side! I took the hardest courses available and the second semester I got a 4 UW GPA 4.37 W :) And Sophomore year was a 4 GPA, same for this year (so far). I have solid ECs, play three sports, am involved deeply with clubs/groups, class president for 3 straight years, have a few leadership positions, but I do my ECs for the love, not for colleges, I do things that involve human rights and like active groups not boring stuff, I started a "Somali Students Association" basically to help Somali students advance and to address racism that has been going on in my community. I started a Model UN at my school, because I was jealous other schools had it and it looked sooo fun, I got a lot of awards in that! I volunteer like crazy (NAACP, YDA, etc..). I have passion, and I want colleges to see that! Do you think I ruined my chances? OH! Almost forgot, I took the practive SAT and got a 2380, ballllller. hhahahah :) My class rank was 27, but I bumped it up to 6, I like wanted to cry when I found out!!!!! (Probably because I takeA LOT of AP's)</p>

<p>UMMMM, I think that's pretty much it! I'm a minority too, if that helps. Ummmmmm. OH!!! How do I become a Presidential Scholar that looks so cool. :) WELL THANK YOU GUYS, YOU ROCK! <333333</p>

<p>SOO, the colleges I want to go to are:
Brown, Yale, Harvard, Columbia, NYU, Dartmouth, BC, BU, Duke, Georgetown, Northeastern, Tufts and UPENN. </p>

<p>In conclusionm my questions are:
Did I ruin my chances because of the first semester of my freshman year?
How can I become a Presidential Scholar?
And can you chance me? (By saying: Safety/In/Match/Reach, etc...) </p>

<p>THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!!!!!!</p>

<p>kay so i want to apologize for the redic length :(</p>

<p>oh and for typos, i suck at typing on my ipod</p>

<p>Presidential Scholar is a 2400 SAT or 36 ACT or something close depending on the state
I think your chances look really good :slight_smile: just write some killer essays and your in anywhere with your stats and ethnicity</p>

<p>grades way too low…3.1?..</p>

<p>kelloggss, you probably didn’t read the entire post.</p>

<p>colleges will see that you improved your GPA. we can’t really chance you without an (official) SAT score though. but it seems like you’ll do fine, and your URM status will help. it also depends on what you want to major in. make sure your ECs sort of reflect that. good luck!</p>

<p>[chance</a> me back?](<a href=“]chance”></p>

<p>Good that you’ve improved your grades, and you sound pretty intense. Get that crazy SATI score, and continue in your extracurriculars. Then you probably will be match for some of the higher ranking schools. </p>

<p>Please chance me back at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; for Washington University in St. Louis</p>

<p>Brown, Yale, Harvard- So up in the air, but I think you have a really good chance!
Columbia- not sure
NYU- very good chance- match
Dartmouth- Hard to tell, but a match as I see it.
BC- Not sure again.
BU- Definitely in.
Duke- not sure!
Georgetown- high match
Northeastern- match
Tufts- match
UPENN- I don’t know.</p>

<p>Sorry I can’t give you guesses on all the schools, I’m not sure on some of them. I don’t think your issue in freshman year should be too much of a problem!</p>

<p>thanks allllllll of you <333</p>

<p>bump baby bump!</p>

<p>bump buMP BUMP</p>
