Help a sophomore please :-)

<p>I am looking at my grades for this semester, and everything is great, except for drawing. I'm looking at 2-4 A+'s, and the rest will be A's. This is in all of the honors classes available to me (which is only two, but there are only two offered). Drawing, however, will be a B+, there is no way around it--I've worked harder in that class than any other class--and I just have no fine motor skills, but it was a required course. I wouldn't worry, but there were a few B's from last year due to some personal issues. I never have problems in academic courses, but that art class really gave me a lot of trouble. My question is: will this count me out of the running for schools like: Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown, and Notre Dame?</p>

<p>My test scores ought to be great and my extracurriculars are solid, but will this one blip make me look horrible? Or do colleges just ignore art classes unless you're applying to an art school?</p>


<p>No one can chance you based off of your first semester sophomore year grades. What did you receive on your PSAT?</p>

<p>We haven’t gotten our PSAT scores back yet, I’m not really asking for chances per say, just how that lovely B+ will affect my possible chance.</p>

<p>We have, however, gotten our PLAN scores back (mini ACT) and I received a 32 (it’s out of 32, not 36) without any sort of preparation.</p>


<p>You haven’t taken your SATs yet, nor do you have your rank, so it’s hard to chance you, especially because you’re still so young…
What are your extracurriculars?</p>