Help a Student in Need!

<p>Nationality: African-American
GPA : 3.73 (unweighted now, but had a 3.78 when I submitted my applications) , 4.105 (weighted)
SAT: 610 CR, 600 M, 650 W
SAT II : 680 Bio-M, 660 USH, 640 Math I (could have done better but can't do anything about it now)</p>


<p>Cricket Club
Christian Club
Varsity Soccer
Volunteer at the library
Scholastic Bowl
Manager of JV Boys Volleyball</p>

<p>What are my chances at the following schools:</p>

<p>American University
Syracuse University
Princeton University
Dartmouth University
University of Virginia</p>

<p>It makes not sense to ask what are my chances at this stage of the game. You have tossed your application in so all you can do now is let the process play it self out.</p>

<p>You will know soon enough and stressing over it, wondering what are your chances is not going to change anything. Have faith at the end of the day, you are going to end up where you need to be.</p>

<p>all the best.</p>

<p>I meant Dartmouth College, lol.</p>

<p>answer still has not changed</p>

<p>idk about the other schools but your standardized test scores and gpa are low for princeton and dartmouth…you’ve got the urm going for you though and your ec’s are good so ya never know. good luck!</p>

<p>For Dartmouth and Princeton, you definitely need higher SAT and SAT2 scores. However, i think you have a good shot at the other schools.</p>

<p>bumping up…</p>

<p>bumping up…</p>

<p>bumping up…way up</p>

<p>hmm…based on what I see I don’t think you’ll get into Pton and Dartmouth. though i hope u prove me wrong.</p>

<p>obviously i have no idea tho cuz i dunno the details of ur life and app.</p>

<p>Help, please!</p>

<p>bumping up…way up</p>

<p>Sorry. I personally dont think you will get in Dartmouth or Princeton. Your SAT I and SAT II are too low for the two schools. Even if you are URM, your ECs and your URM status is not enough to cover up your SAT I and SAT II. </p>

<p>But for the rest, I think you have a decent to great chance.</p>

<p>Agree with Wannadartmouth if you are in-state at Virginia.</p>