<p>GPA: 3.8-ish, weighted (let's not even talk about unweighted)
SAT: 630 Math, 800 Reading, 740 Writing
SAT II: 720 Spanish, 780 Literature</p>
<p>AP Human Geography - 5
AP US History - 4
AP Spanish Language - 5</p>
<p>Junior Schedule
-AP US History -B
-Honors English 11 - A
-Pre-Calculus - B
-AP Spanish Language - A
-Advanced Spanish Conversation - B
-Art Foundations - A
-Painting- A
-Chemistry - A</p>
<p>Senior Schedule
AP Calculus AB- B
AP Spanish Lit - A
AP English Lit - A
Computer Animation - A
Humanities - A
U.S. and World Affairs - N/A
AP Gov- N/A
Physics - N/A</p>
Varsity cross country in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade
Varsity track & field in 9th and 10th grade
Literary editor for my school's award-winning literary magazine
3-week summer writing workshop at UVA</p>
<p>I've also held down the same job at a bookstore for two years (I work 10 hours a week during the school year and about 30 during the summer).</p>
<p>So...what would you say my chances are for getting into UVA, William & Mary, Virginia Tech, JMU, Loyola Maryland, or Brown? Yes, I understand that Brown is a huge stretch, probably, but how far will the 800 take me? Also, does it matter that I got a C- in Trigonometry sophomore year if all my other math scores are fairly solid? Help!</p>
<p>JMU and V-tech are definite safeties
UVA is a match/low-reach, same for William and Mary
Brown is possible if your essays and other subjective stuff were off the chain; if not, ur just another average applicant w/ solid stats (although ur gpa may be kind of low)</p>
<p>I think you’re pretty much in at all of the colleges on your list except for Brown. Probably most of the people applying there have fantastic SAT scores and/or ridiculously high GPAs, so your 800 won’t take you too far especially since your math score is a little lacking. </p>
<p>However, have you won any awards/distinctions for cross country and track? If you excel at those, that might be a big plus for you.</p>
<p>chance me at “Are these safe to call my safety/ low match schools?”</p>
<p>you’ll definitely get into jmu and vtech.
im not sure about william and mary though, i know they look at your overall grades with a strong placement on the unweighted gpa.
and as for trig- i had the SAME experience my sophomore year, it does matter but not as much as your grades as a junior/senior and sat’s.</p>