<p>I'm having some problems!
I took an actual ACT in June 2011 and didn't do so well (comp: 26) so I wanted to improve my score over the summer.
I took a practice test from princeton review and I got different scores each times!
For my real ACT I took in June the science section I got a 28 but now I took a practice test from PR using their strategy and got a 25!! But sometimes I'll get a higher score on other sections and sometimes I won't! For the english section I got 24 on the June ACT and on practice test I got a 27 and then I took another practice test using the PR strategy and got a 26... I'm wondering if their strategies work? Overall I got comp of 27 on my first practice test without using PR's strategies and the second practice test I use their strategies and only got a comp. of a 25. ( I already took a real ACT in June and got a 26 composition but now I wanna improve,however; I'm getting ups and downs on my practice tests!! Is this normal???
Thank you for reading this btw!!!!!</p>
<p>Yes it is normal. I have taken 2 practice tests in a row and gotten the SAME composite score as my June score. However, as you increase the number of practice tests, the score increases as well. Do not give up and continue taking practice tests</p>
<p>I’ve took SAT and got a score of x (( don’t want to say what it was cuz it was really bad )) , and then I took a PR practice test and got the exactly same score . And then after few tests i got some less and some more .
So yes , it’s very normal , keep taking these tests and don’t be frustrated , you will get better sometime.
As for strategies , some stratigies in PR didn’t work for me , but they worked for several of my friends , so it depends on the person . If you felt that a strategy doesn’t work for you DON’T USE JUST CUZ PR SAID SO .
gd luck ;)</p>
<p>Yea cause sometimes i get frustrated because my scores would keep changing…sometimes higher than the June ACT and sometimes lower. The lower one was when i used PR’s strategies and the higher score was a diagnostic test when I didnt know anything about the PR’s strategies. Maybe I’m just not used to using the strategies yet!? Idk lol</p>
<p>All of the scores you are getting are approximately the same score.</p>
<p>These tests were never designed to mean that a person who gets a 27 is better than someone who got a 26.</p>
<p>I can tell you that my son raised his score from a 31 to a 34, with zero studying, so you may do better on the real exam than you might guess.</p>