<p>I got admitted into UCR and I already sent in my SIR. But I realized I received two D's in my AP calculus AB and AP biology class. My major is public policy and I already fulfilled my requirements for college and graduation so these classes technically aren't needed and can be considered as electives (according to my counselor). But I am VERY worried that UCR might rescind my admission. I talked to my counselor about it and she told me to call the admissions office and notify them. I know it isn't really an excuse for my grades but my grandfather passed away during the summer before senior year (after battling cancer for about two years) and it really took a toll on my family. It might seem like a string of excuses but soon after my mom started falling more often and her legs grew weaker and she had to have surgery and with all the stress and buildup of all the events my parents were fighting more frequently. I told my counselor all this and she told me I would be okay as long as I notified the admissions office. My overall GPA is still over a 3.5 so will I be okay?</p>