HELP? Advice needed on sororities!

<p>I was accepted to the University of Alabama and I plan on studying communications. I am also wanting to join a sorority when I go to college next year. The only problem is that I am a black female and I would love to be in a white sorority. (Mainly Zeta Tau Alpha!) I know Bama has recently “integrated” their greek organizations, but do i really have a chance?</p>

<p>PS. I’m not sure if this will help but I have grown up in a wealthy neighborhood and I’ve been surrounded by white people my entire life, so I am more comfortable around them.</p>

<p>your chances are better now than they have ever been in the past. idk if the soroities will continue to diversify or not, though.</p>

<p>having a specific sorority picked out is not a good plan. that often doesn’t work out.</p>

<p>MikeWozowski I only specified ZTA because one of my good friends goes to NC State and is in ZTA and talks about it sooo much. I know sororities differ by school and I am open to any sorority.</p>

<p>This is a great time to pledge a sorority. I believe that the sororities will indeed continue to seek the best members possible no matter race. Grades are the most important factor. Keep those options open!</p>

<p>I would go into the process with an open mind and heart. I agree with Southlander…I also believe that sororities will seek the best members possible no matter race. She is also correct in that grades are VERY important. Sorority chapters vary from campus to campus. Be open to what each chapter at Alabama has to offer. Make sure that you get recs for each house. If you are able to attend Preview I would suggest you do. Although attending Preview does not guarantee a bid it is a nice first glance at each of the participating sororities. Good luck!</p>