help! advice needed!

<p>I'm a high school junior and I'm looking into biology and pre-med programs. I have a 3.9 GPA, top 10% of my class of 600, have 3 AP classes under my belt and am planning to take 4 more senior year (including AP Chem, Bio, Calc, History, English). I've taken a SAT Subject test in Bio and scored a 750/800 and I'm planning to take one in math and chem as well. I scored a 202 in PSATs with a 74 in Math, and 64 in both Reading and Writing. I currently have 200 hours in community serivce and will have atleast another 150 by the end of senior year. I'm a 4 year varsity athlete in Winter and Spring track, and I've had a job since summer after freshman year. I'm trying to look for a competitive school, preferably with a decent sports program to help me with admission. </p>

<p>What schools would you suggest I look into? I live in South Jersey so anywhere in New England/Jersey/NY/PA would be awesome.</p>

<p>Everything looks good.
I would suggest Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Its supposedly one of the best Pre-Med schools out there (rank 1, 2 or 3?), or the hardest for that matter. It doesn’t really matter where you go for pre-med, its primarily your grades in college – however, it always gives an advantage when applying to medical schools.
People usually get higher SAT scores than their PSAT scores. . .but you should be looking to get a bit higher on your reading for the school. Your subject test grade is good, but you should take one more, preferably math 1 or math 2 and get 700+. </p>

<p>Another school is Sophie Davis. That is a part of the CCNY CUNY – this program is extremely competitive and very difficult. It is a very nice area and the dorms are absolutely beautiful–regardless of the fact that its in Harlem. Anyways, you need to take SATs, of course + you need ACT’s. Each of these are around the 1300+ range and 28+ range, but a lot of people tend to have 1400+. This program basically guarantees MD status right out of graduation. Its a 7 year medical program where you don’t have to take the MCATs. Don’t think its easy though, lol, because you don’t any summer vacation and you have about a 2 week vacation a year, or a bit more. Sophie Davis and Medicine are your primary LIFE factors and thats all you will be doing for 7 years. Other than that, its a nice program, its challenging-- plus they start calling you Doctor in college lolol</p>

<p>Tufts, U Rochester, and NYU. And if you’re willing to go down south, Emory.</p>