Help an Anxious Junior Create a College List! [urban, pre-law, 3.8 HS GPA, 1340 SAT, retried, FL resident]

For additional ideas, this site lists colleges that are similar to Brown in one or more ways:

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If you like NYU, and since you are open to Catholic schools, I second the idea of Fordham --specifically the Fordham Lincoln Center campus where the law school is located, but check out the Rose Hill campus as well. Fordham LC is in a very nice and safe part of Manhattan, just 2 blocks from Central park. It is super LGBTQ+ friendly. Lots of internship opportunities close by. The RH campus is in the Bronx, which is not the safest part of NYC, but it is a beautiful traditional gated campus right across the street from Arthur Avenue (Little Italy, amazing food), the Botanical gardens and the Bronx zoo, and the campus itself is very safe. The sports teams and their facilities are all housed at the RH campus, most of the performing arts are housed at LC. You can take classes at either campus and a shuttle van connects them. My LGBTQ+ kid is a first year at the LC campus and having a great time–our family is not at all religious, and it hasn’t been a problem.


Seconding Macalester and URichmond. Both reaches (due to selectivity) so if you like them or others on this thread, choose your favorite to apply ED1 :slight_smile:

American U is an obvious match to reach depending on major (match for majors outside SIS, high match/reach for SIS).

What about Dickinson? Excellent for pre-law and study abroad. High match.

Fordham, Pitt Honors, UCincinnati Honors, Kalamazoo for low matches?

Not sure how good Northeastern is with pre-law-related* majors wrt co-ops so that’s sth worth investigating.
(*Political Science, Philosophy, History…/
PPE does fine and should be of interest to you: Home - Politics, Philosophy, and Economics | Northeastern University )

Vassar as a high reach? JHU?

Look into Mount Holyoke, Barnard, Bryn Mawr, and other women’s colleges - all are very LGBTQIA-friendly: MHC is very international and friendly. Barnard is a women’s college with a women’s college’s traditions but is linked to a larger university and in NYC. Bryn Mawr is in a consortium with co-ed Haverford and right by Philadelphia (in the “posh” “Mainline” area).

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Indeed, Barnard College at Columbia University would fit several of the stated criteria.

To be clear, it is a reach for everyone regardless of the stats, but your EC’s sound like the type of very engaged, exceptional young woman that Barnard might seek.

The Manhattan location does concentrate a vast amount of internship opportunities in a small geographic area, reachable by public transport.

Barnard does have a very flexible distribution requirement, that encourages you to take classes in many disciplines. In any given semester there’ll be hundred(s) of courses that fulfill (one or multiple) general ed requirements and at the same time likely still tangent something you’re interested in: In addition you have the full course catalogue of the Ivy League university to choose from.

Both through the college itself, but also through the University, there’ll be many options for study abroad. My daughter eventually decided on a summer semester in Italy, run through Columbia - and by chance the other young woman in her apartment all turned out to be from Barnard, who all became lasting friends.

All that, and there is a 4+1 Masters for political sciences.

… and to everyone and their parents.

That said, Columbia University is in New York City - with crime rates that compare favorable with other cities - large and small. But, if you put many millions of people together, there’ll always be something on the news every day - even if a bad actor just happens to “traverse” your otherwise rather “safe” neighborhood.

Morningside Heights is not one of the touristy neighborhoods (other than the occasional movie buffs, who take their pictures in front of Tom’s Diner of Seinfeld fame, or Mrs. Maisel’s apartment on Riverside Dr.) - so it’s much more “residential” in nature (as much as that applies to Manhattan).

It comes down to being “city smart”, no matter which major city you end up in.

Then again, in Manhattan you are less likely to be pulled into a pond or canal by an alligator, or strangled by a python :wink:


The new level of safety !!

Honestly safety is scary. Maybe it’s just the explosion of social media. But stuff happens everywhere - in wealthy suburbs (just had a soccer coach arrested in my town for drugging players and taking them) and a smash and grab of a jewelry case at Kohls to the innocents shot at random yesterday somewhere in NYC by a guy on a scooter.

Nowhere can assure safety today. Unfortunately.

The OP to this thread hasn’t been on this site since…March.

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