<p>Im a Junior in High School and I'm kinda worried...
Maybe its because I've been reading too many college apps books or that I've been brainwashed by Asian parents (those w/ asian parents know wat its like xD), but ive developed a perpetual fear of college admissions.</p>
<p>So i am here to seek out some very knowledgable individuals (flattery never hurts, right? XP) who can answer a few of my questions.</p>
<p>SAT: Reading: 730, Math: 740, Writing: 790
SATII: Chem: 780, MathIIC: 800, USH: 760, Bio: 780
APs: Bio: 5, Euro: 5, And still waiting for CompSci, USH, Chem, and EngLang.
GPA: 3.95 if unweighted, 4.68 if weigted w/ both APs and Honor classes, 4.5 if weighted w/ only APs.
Class rank: im not sure but probably in the top 5-10% of 400ish in a competitive high school.</p>
<p>What I'm worried about is my ECs, I've done a lot of random clubs and stuff, but not too many w/ long term commitment (eek):
*National Ocean Science Bowl (club member for 1 year)
*Math Team (1 year)
*Academic League (2 years)
*Hospital Volunteer (starting that over the summer)
*Library Volunteer (2 years)
*CalTech Sig Award
*Basically selftaught piano for 6ish years
*Commended PSAT (i pretty sure)</p>
<p>I would like to end up a Doctor so i think im probably gonna major in biochem or end up premed so...</p>
<p>I'm definitly applying to UCSD (saftey?), UCLA, and UC Berkley. I'm thinking of also applying for Chicago and Duke. I also want to try my luck w/ schools such as Harv, Yale, Cornell, Columbia, Stanford and UPenn.</p>
<p>What other college should i apply to? Should i even bother w/ the high Ivies? Which ones (for the alumni here) are most likely to accept me? Which colleges would be the best for my desired career choice?</p>
<p>I'm relatively unknowledgable(is that a word?) about colleges so i thank for your time :)</p>