HELP?! Berkeley vs. UCSD --Lost Senior

<p>I feel like I would enjoy UCSD better, but Berkeley is the more practical choice.</p>


<p>My major is messed up. Hahah I didn’t know the alternate major mattered, so I just picked the first one on the list. Got rejected from Physio/Neuroscience and ended up in anthropology, LOL.
Plus I’m in Marshall college, which people tell me is not right for someone planning to go into the sciences. [Because of the prereqs]
The weather’s gorgeous though, I really like the campus and the atmosphere. A lot of my friends are choosing to go there as well.</p>


<p>The competition there is SCARY! I come from an extremely competitive high school, and most of my classmates going Cal are crazy studious. I don’t measure up to them at all.
The weather and location. I’m from San Francisco. I know how cold&foggy it is every morning and I hate it!!
On the other hand, at Berkeley I’m in the college of Letters and Sciences.
It’s cheaper too, as I don’t have to spend air fare commuting back and forth.</p>

<p>Any input would really help! Thanks (:</p>

<p>I would never pass on Cal to go to UCSD. ever.</p>

<p>^I disagree. UCSD is a great school, especially in the sciences. I think you should do a little research on how easily you could get into a science major. If it seems reasonably possible, then go with your gut!</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as you and have no idea what to do :confused: It shouldn’t be too hard to switch into most sciences at UCSD, most of which do live up to the same reputation as Cal. If you plan on switching into a biology related field, however, then it will take a tremendous amount of work and good grades.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision! Honestly, if you like the environment of SD better, then you should go with SD. You’ll be happier and more inclined to succeed. My problem is that I love both rain and beach xD</p>

<p>If your major is messed up and your college within UCSD is wrong that could be a hassle, same with plane flights there. However if you feel that you might go crazy at Berkeley from the weather and competition, SD could be the choice. I’ve heard SD is super competitive in the environment as well though (my friend there told me several students broke into a bookstore to study…).
I’d pick Berkeley if I were you, just because it sounds like a pain in the rear at San Diego in a bunch that may stress you out more than just the competition at Berkeley will.
Congrats though, either way you have a future!</p>

<p>It seems like you enjoy UCSD more so go there!</p>

<p>Thanks for the input guys!
I do plan on switching into a biology related major at UCSD, but they’re all impacted so I doubt it would happen.
As that’s the case, I do like Sabermel’s point. Trying to get all my Marshall prereqs done while simultaneously trying to switch majors and get all those prereqs done might be equally as stressful as the competition at Berkeley.</p>

<p>I know SD is pretty well known for it’s science department, so does anyone know how the competition there compares to the competition at Berkeley? Is there a huge difference or just a moderate one?</p>

<p>You have more pros at UCSD than UC Berkeley. From what I have just read, it seems like you will not like Berkeley (you have lots of cons here). So, go to UCSD!! It’s a really good school with stellar academics!(: Plus, the biology program at UCSD is AWESOME and one of the best. They have tons of research opportunities there!(:</p>

<p>Go to UC Berkeley, since you didn’t even get the right major at UCSD. Berkeley is the better school anyway.</p>

<p>Berkeley has way more to offer in a college experience than UCSD.</p>

<p>What do you mean by college experience?</p>

<p>I got into UCSD in Marshall for physiology and neuroscience my first choice but I got rejected from Cal.
If I were you I might choose Cal because you know prestige. hate to say but it’s true.
yes I do like Cal’s college environment better because of the buildings etc. but I also heard that around the university there are bunch of homeless
(I visited UCSD on Triton Day which was last Saturday and I saw 4 homeless people) I mean for me those people are okay
If I were you I wouldn’t think of the workload because if you get accepted into Cal then it means you have something special. therefore you must be able to handle it + you live closer so easier to commute!</p>

Hi guys! 2015 junior year update!

I’m doing well at Berkeley, I’ve gotten into exploring Oakland and the people (can be) pretty chill, even though it’s hard to make close friends since everyone’s so busy (especially as you become an upperclassman). My GPA is higher here than it was when I was in high school! So I guess I was scared for no reason, things are manageable as long as you keep on top of your shit. Anyway, just updating this in case any students here are in the same dilemma!

@Whattup Thanks for the update. Congrats on deciding on Berkeley (3 years ago, lol) and doing so well!