Help! Can I send an additional essay?

<p>Hi guys!</p>

<p>I am applying RD. I sent in my Questbridge App. in place of myMIT. That one has 3 essays and 15 short responses. </p>

<p>However, there were a couple of pretty important things I didn't mention. Among them:</p>

<li><p>Why my transcript shows some IB classes when Im not in IB (I ran out of APs/interesting class to take in my school)</p></li>
<li><p>The fact that as international domestic (in Florida but not yet citizen or perm. resident) pretty much made it ridiculously hard for me to pursue a college education (no one pays for you!) and that's why I started high school as a prospective drop out (In my autobio essay, i did write about that. But I only mentioned how poor I was and the neighborhood influences. I never mentioned how the fact that I knew I was going to get no financial aid in most schools was also extremely discouraging)</p></li>

<p>I mentioned the two of them in my interview, but I don't think I explained them enough. </p>

<p>Can I send in something?</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>Yea I think you can send in additional essays. The MIT website says you can send in anything you want. There are no limits to the amount of supplementary material you can send. (Actually check out Mollie’s MIT FAQ) </p>

<p>I send in an extra essay together with my transcript, school report and everything else.</p>

<p>^^^Totally agree. I am sending like 2 more rec letters and 1 extra essay.</p>

<p>Can you confirm this?? Any link?</p>

<p>^^^You might not be able to to send additional stuff at this point of of time I guess, since the only way for you to send supplementary materials would be via DHL or BLUE DART, both of which will cost you about 3000 Rupees approximately.</p>

<p>For reference go to: [MIT</a> Admissions | Blog Entry: “For EA Deferred Students”](<a href=“]MIT”></p>

<p>^^^Its for everybody, not solely for EA deferrals like me.</p>


<p>Can I fax them one additional essay I wrote?</p>

<p>^^^Go for it, but do include a Fascimile instruction i.e. a cover letter.</p>

<p>Ok, let it be. I think my app essays should suffice :)</p>

<p>Well…If you think the additional essay can throw light upon a new personality of yours, I would recommend sending it, or faxing it.</p>

<p>I am sending additional stuff too.</p>

<p>No! No faxing yet! Faxing is for really late material (like: it’s the day before they go into selection and one of your teacher recs hasn’t arrived).</p>

<p>You can mail supplemental material for RD consideration until about the end of January. It is absolutely fine to mail it at this time.</p>

<p>No! No faxing yet! Faxing is for really late material (like: it’s the day before they go into selection and one of your teacher recs hasn’t arrived).</p>

<p>You can mail supplemental material for RD consideration until about the end of January. It is absolutely fine to mail it at this time.</p>

<p>Well…I told spideyunlimited to fax his essay because from India, the ordinary mail will take about 21 days to reach US (not kidding, I have lived there for 17 years). If he uses DHL or international express mail, he will have to spend like $75 only on the shipping which will reach US in 3-4 days, and $75 is a lot in India btw.</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter that it will take three weeks. If the material is mailed now, and it takes three weeks to reach MIT, that is not a problem.</p>

<p>MIT asks that the fax be used only in very important circumstances. When the EA mail was all sorted, Matt asked that only required materials be faxed:

A few weeks prior to that, he had asked that materials be mailed only:

So for RD applicants, if a required piece of material is missing in late January, fax is the way to go. If it’s early January and it’s a non-required piece of material, postal mail is the option.</p>

<p>I am applying RD and was wondering if I could send another letter of recommendation. I already send in all my regular material, but I wanted to send a letter from my varsity baseball coach. I know it says you can send supplemental material on mit’s website but I just wanted to make sure it was okay for RD applicants to send stuff in late as well (just wasn’t sure now that the jan. 3rd postmark date is behind us).</p>

<p>u can send stuff til the end of jan. i think.</p>

<p>Yes, it will be fine to send additional information (letters, essays, etc.) for RD applicants. Try to send it as soon as possible; the latest you should send something is the end of January.</p>