Help! Choosing between UCF with Burnett or UF!

<p>I desperately need some help choosing between schools!</p>

<p>I got accepted into UCF and the Burnett Honors College (although I haven't confirmed my place yet). I also got accepted into UF and got rejected from the Honor's College. I have received the Pegasus Silver ($10,000) from UCF and nothing from UF.</p>

<p>I do not have a clear career path envisioned, but I think I would like to do Biology with a focus in forensics or even pre-med (again, I don't really know what I want to do).</p>

<p>The main reason that I'm stuck between the two is I don't know how much to value the prestige of UF over the opportunities of Burnett. But I'm also considering things like quality of dorms (UCF +1), being far away from my family (UF +1), the size of Orlando vs. Gainesville (?).</p>

<p>I know that posting in the UCF discussion is obviously going to give me a little bias, but I just want to know how students at UCF view their opportunities at Burnett.</p>

<p>Any help is so, so appreciated!
Thank you!

<p>Hi Stephanie… I will try and give you some unbiased advice. I am posting on my son’s account. He also received the Pegasus Silver and was accepted into Burnett. He was not interested in UF but most likely would have gotten in if he applied. He is an engineering major and he thought he wanted to go to NC State, which has an amazing engineering program. He applied to NC State and UCF and got accepted to both He did qualify for Honors at NC State also. My son visited both campuses and absolutely fell in love with UCF. He KNEW it was the campus and the college for him. NC State has a highly nationally ranked Engineering College but he is going where he really believes he will be happier. Burnett is suppose to be a wonderful Honors College from anyone we have spoken to. If you have visited both colleges, really take into account which campus you felt more comfortable on and where you truly feel will be a better fit for you. UF has more prestige in Florida than it does in the rest of the country. Just weigh all your options…:)</p>

<p>I fully agree with everything the poster above stated. University of Florida DOES have prestige…in Florida, Gone are the days where it’s seen as the highest ranking school in Florida-at least, that’s how other states tend to see it. By the time you were to graduate, UF’s prestige wouldn’t be half of what it is now-so try not to consider that. Both schools are amazing, BUT, if you were to ask me, I find it far more impressive to attend and honors college, at a great school, then attend as a non honors student as a slightly higher ranked school. Being in the honors program will offer you SO many opportunists that being a ‘normal’ student at UF wouldn’t do. However, it’s where you feel most comfortable, and you need to visit both of these colleges, as they could not be farther apart from each other (In the atmosphere, area, look of the campus, etc). One of these colleges will feel like a better fit then the other, so take the tour seriously. All in all, you can’t go wrong with either school, so there’s a sense of comfort-good luck! :)</p>