Help choosing math course

Hi guys, I’m currently in the process of choosing my classes for sophomore year. I have the option of taking IB Math A/A SL or Math Analysis (Pre-Calculus). I’m currently a pre-IB student, but I feel that IB math A/A SL is too easy. Also, I am thinking of majoring in Chemistry. I was looking at the syllabus for the new math and it seems like the calculus concepts taught are way easier than Calc AB.

P.S. I really enjoy math

If I continue IB:
sophomore: IB Math A/A SL Yr 1
junior: IB Math A/A SL Yr 2
senior: AP Calculus BC

If I drop IB:
sophomore: Math Analysis
junior: AP Calculus AB
senior: AP Calculus BC

What math classes have you already taken?

How have you done in math up to now?

@DadTwoGirls Alg 1 (7th), Geo (8th), and Alg 2 (9th, now)

Does your school not offer IB HL math? I’m surprised SL is two years - also that you would start it sophomore year, IB doesn’t allow courses to count when taking sophomore year.

@Darcy123 Unfortunately, my school will not offer IB Math A/A HL. Also, my IB coordinator says that sophomores can take a maximum of 2 SL’s if we are ahead and usually those are Math A/A SL or Spanish SL. Indeed Surprising.

Looks like your school may be adapting precalculus (math analysis) and calculus AB into IB math AA SL 1 and 2, so there may not be all that much difference between the sequences other than adjustments for IB-related requirements. You may want to ask your math teachers for more information.

Also, are you (considering) doing the IB diploma, or just taking some IB courses?

@ucbalumnus the IB Diploma

In that case, you need to take the IB courses as specified for the diploma. Talk to your math teachers about what the IB courses are like, since it looks like they just adapted the existing precalculus (math analysis) and calculus AB courses to conform to IB math AA SL.

If they actually wanted to have suitable math courses for students like you who are +2 on the math sequence, they would offer IB math AA HL for IB diploma students, and AP calculus BC (including AB material) in one year for students who just completed precalculus not in the IB diploma program.

Depends: if u want rigor… go for the harder one… if u want alignment tour major… go for that one… if u want the easy way out… u kno wat to do…

some may overlap… but yeah… depends on ur liking as well… on the spec. course req.