HELP!: CMU Tepper vs. NYU Stern vs. USC Marshall

- Cost of attendance = about $20,000/year
- Pittsburgh location
- #6 top business school (according to US News)
- Excellent job placement
- Poor social life supposedly?</p>

- Cost of attendance = about $15,000/year
- NYC location
- #5 top business school (according to US News)
- Excellent job placement
- Bustling city life
- Apartment-style dorms
- Great study abroad programs</p>

- Cost of attendance: Free! (Financial Aid + NMF Presidential Scholarship)
- LA location
- #10 top business school (according to US News)
- 2 hours away from home
- Excellent job placement in SoCal; great networking
- Perfect weather (this is pretty important; I was born in LA and lived in Cali my whole life)</p>

<p>Any comments/input that would make it easier for me to decide on one school would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.</p>

<p>Free is free.</p>

<p>USC! aside from the FREE, if you plan on returning to So Cal upon graduation, of all the schools, USC will take you further.</p>

<p>Also, this may not be you, but the majority of undergrads change their major at least once. you might as well attend a school where you don’t have to pay a penny for, than attend a school simply for a department or program and end up realizing its not for you, and as a result be in debt.</p>

<p>USC of course</p>

<p>USC :slight_smile: Marshall is an amazing school and it’s free for you.</p>