HELP - College of Chemistry

<p>The upper division ChemE classes weren’t 200 kids…80-100 max for the required ChemE series…smaller still for electives.</p>

<p>I don’t recall kids sabotaging lab experiments. I did LOL at the study group “homework copying” comment…that is pretty true.</p>

<p>Yes, it’s tough. I had the most trouble with Chem 112 series.</p>

<p>LOL on experiment sabotage! In two years, I’ve only ben graded on yield once; they don’t really care if your experiment went horribly wrong in lab. If you mess up, they care more that you can explain the science of how you screwed it up :)</p>

<p>it seems like chem at CoC and generally more rigorous than Chem major at LAS. -0- so… whats the reward of working so hard at CoC? obviously, cal isnt easy and itll still be lots of work in LAS… but why would anyone choose to major chem in CoC over LAS?</p>

<p>Chem in CoC is a B.S.
in L&S, it is a B.A.</p>