<p>Overall GPA is somewhere around 3.2ish... weighted its a bit higher. SAT 1: 650 reading, 690 math, 710 writing = 2050 total. Junior year, clinically diagnosed anxiety and depression, also the year with some of my lowest grades. Total: 3 APs, four honors courses, one AP test with a score of 3. Top honors, awards in band,band for 4 years at high school, marching band flute section leader, honor bands, jazz band, youth orchestra, etc. heavily involved in music. Currently a senior at a very competitive public high school in CA. If you would like more details regarding my course load please private message me. Major undecided. No idea. No SAT 2s, will take Math 2 and Lit. soon, don't know how much that will help. I really screwed up in high school. I really did. </p>
<p>Any way to use my skills in music to help my applications? Auditions, etc.?</p>
<p>Please read <a href=“Before you ask which colleges to apply to, please consider - College Search & Selection - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/1621234-before-you-ask-which-colleges-to-apply-to-please-consider-p1.html</a> .</p>
<p>It looks like many CSUs and the less selective UCs (UCM, maybe UCR and UCSC) could be realistic for admission, if you have the a-g course requirements and your 10th-11th grade a-g course GPA (with +1 for up to 8 semesters’ worth of honors and AP courses) is similar to or better than your overall.</p>
<p>I apologize… I should have read that first. I probably sound like I’m joking myself, but I’d like to major in computer science. As for all of those other criteria, disregard them.
Also, what do you mean by “could be realistic?” Do I have, say, a 50% chance of getting in to the schools you listed? </p>
<p>The UCs and CSUs have good CS programs. Apply to a variety of them. Include the CSU in your area and some of the lower UCs. </p>
<p>Have your parents said how much they will pay each year? That will determine which OOS schools you should apply to.</p>
<p>Your music skills probably won’t make a difference admissions-wise since you aren’t majoring in performance.</p>
<p>There’s more to like about this app than the OP is aware. The GPA is kind of low but the CR + M is in the ballpark for some nice CS programs. </p>
<p>Stop beating yourself up and move on, OP. You were sick last year. It’s about what you do from here on out. The awards in band MIGHT help. Are you good enough that your instructor would drop a dime for you at a place like UPitt, which has a crazy band spirit? Ask him or her. Aren’t there some quirky CS programs that like kids with music talent? I don’t think you have the gravitas for CMU, but I think they have a hankering for such kids. What about UMD, although it’s not clear they’re going to read far enough to snatch you?</p>
<p>Have your guidance counselor address the diagnosis and the band experience in his or her letter. Do you have any programming experience? Money?</p>
<p>What is your UC/CSU GPA, as calculated by <a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU; ?</p>
<p>If at least 3.0, and you have all of the a-g course requirements, then you would be admitted to any non-impacted CSU where CS is non-impacted (see <a href=“http://www.calstate.edu/sas/impactioninfo.shtml”>http://www.calstate.edu/sas/impactioninfo.shtml</a> ; examples are Dominguez Hills and East Bay). Otherwise, CSUs other than SLO use the eligibility index calculated by <a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU; to rank applicants for admission. San Jose publishes past thresholds for admission at <a href=“http://info.sjsu.edu/static/admission/impaction.html”>http://info.sjsu.edu/static/admission/impaction.html</a> .</p>
<p>You may also have a decent chance at the less selective UCs (Merced and perhaps Riverside and Santa Cruz), depending on your courses and grades.</p>
<p>In that UC/CSU GPA Calculator, do I enter grades from each semester from tenth and eleventh grade only? I’m getting a 3.76 from that which seems odd</p>
<p>Also, do I count band and marching band in the gpa? </p>
<p>You count only a-g required classes in the UC GPA calculation for 10-11th grade only and 1 year of band can be counted. See the list:<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/agguide/a-g-requirements/index.html”>http://www.ucop.edu/agguide/a-g-requirements/index.html</a>
You can get up to 8 extra points for AP and UC approved honors classes, see link to check if they are UC approved: <a href=“A-G Policy Resource Guide”>A-G Policy Resource Guide;
<p>Are you sure only one year of band can be counted? In the link you gave me it says you have to take at least one year of an arts class, but it says nothing about only one year being counted in the GPA? Please clarify, thanks</p>
<p>After recalculating my GPA, it looks like it’s actually 3.62(using that calculator for UCs/CSUs). Where does this put me now? </p>
<p>That GPA is too low for the upper-tier UCs, and for CalPoly-SLO. I’ve heard that San Jose State has become pretty selective for Comp. Sci., as has SDSU. UCI is probably a stretch, but might be worth a try. UCSC is within reach, and very good for tech subjects. Apply also to UC Riverside, CalPoly-Pomona, and then select some additional CSUs. You can probably cobble together a decent CompSci program at most of them.</p>
<p>What about private schools? Out of state schools? Will a reccomendation letter from a Stanford professor have an effect?</p>
<p>If you’re to open the search to the rest of the nation and to private schools in CA, then it would be helpful to have some help.</p>
<p>Could you tell us if there are regions of the country that are off limits? You could also tell us if you’d prefer large publics, small LACs, mid-size unis, etc. You could also tell us if you’ve run the net price calculators and how much your parents say they can offer in support. Do we need to look at inexpensive schools? are you, on the other hand, full pay? All this could help us, OP</p>
<p>If anything, I would prefer a school in a major city. No where obscure. BUT, that doesn’t have to be a HUGE factor. My parents said not to worry about the money and that they will take care of it (I know I have been blessed with great parents,). Just want to say that I appreciate all of your help.</p>
<p>Again I’m just wondering if a letter of rec from a Stanford professor will make a difference. Thanks</p>
<p>Well, that narrows it down to 3200 colleges, OP </p>
<p>I suggest you run the SuperMatch and play around with the options. You rather than us need to make some of these discriminations. Come back to us with 15-20 possibles.</p>
<p>as for the stanford prof’s letter, it’s not going to make much difference. How much difference would you even be looking for? You haven’t been able to make many differentiations in your posts. We’re trying to help you do that, and tinkering around with a letter from a professor is not going to help you find a college.</p>
<p>Sorry I was just wondering. Keep in mind I don’t have a lot to “brag” about to colleges, and I just felt that this rec letter would be valuable. I will come back with the results from the super match.</p>