Help critique Why Penn essay

<p>Hi, I'm wondering if anyone wants to help critique my Why Penn essay. It's not completely finished yet but I'm wondering if I'm on the right track. A few comments and suggestions would be awesome. Thank you</p>

<p>ill read it hipster, you read mine so you know i woont steal :P</p>

<p><em>bump</em> 10cat</p>

<p>pm it. i applied ED</p>

<p>i can take a look (not applying to upenn)</p>

<p>While I am applying to Penn and I myself am not done, I would like to read it. I won’t steal it or anything.</p>

<p>I’ll read it (not a senior)</p>

<p>ill read it (already applied to upenn)</p>

<p>sure just PM it on over (already applied to Penn)</p>

<p>sure pm me</p>