<p>Oh the CSS profile website it says this: "</p>
<p>If you submitted a 2011-12 PROFILE Application and sign in using your user name from last year, we will pre-fill some of your information using last year's application. If you have forgotten your user name or password, click on "FALL 2012/SPRING 2013" below then click on "Forgot your user name?" or "Forgot your password?" and follow the directions.</p>
<pre><code>COMING SOON - Applying for financial aid for fall 2013 and/or spring 2014? Please wait for the 2013-14 PROFILE Application, available starting October 1, 2012.
Applying for financial aid for fall 2012 and/or spring 2013? Click here to register for and complete your PROFILE Application."
<p>i may be just reading it wrong, but does it mean if I'm going to be in college in 2013-2014 to wait for that link, or should i use the 2012-2013 link since that's when im applying for aid and college? thanks!!</p>