Help decide between UC-Berlkeley, CalTech and UChicago

<p>My son is looking to do Computer Science with Business Minor. At this point, he plans to go for MBA or Law grad school as well. Finance is not an issue at this point. Please help decide between following colleges that accepted him.</p>

<p>We are leaning towards Caltech. He understands that Caltech requires hard work and is willing to put it in. Generally he is peoples person and gets along with people very well. When he recently took Strength2.0 Gallop survey, his strengths were identified as </p>

<p>a. Developer - sees potential in others.
b. harmony - Looks for areas of agreement. There is little to be gained from conflicts and friction.
c. Arranger - When faced with complex situations, he enjoys managing them and gets them done.
d. Individualization - Instinctively observes each person's style, motivation and how each builds relationships.</p>

<p>here are the colleges</p>

<li>CalTech - Looking for CS + BEM program</li>
<li>UC Berkeley - no regents</li>
<li>USC - 100% Trustee scholarship</li>
<li>John Hopkins - At this point we are not considering this. Should we even consider it?</li>

<p>In addition he got waitlisted at Cornell, CMU, Dartmouth and NorthWestern.</p>

<p>Any practical pros and cons that you can share will be very useful.</p>
