<p>so i had a 3.5 before fall 08. got really sick and heavily medicated for 2 months and ultimately got a 2.5 this semester.... so now my overall GPA is 3.0.... WHAT CAN I DO? =/ i just applied in november too... i'll be IGETC certified and whatnot. help help help! i'm so stressed.</p>

<p>First of all, just take a deep breath and realize that a 3.0 GPA is not the end of the world.</p>

<p>Second: Take some responsibility for your results–yes, you may have been sick and taken some medicines, but that’s hardly the whole excuse for your results. Once you admit that you are responsible for your grades–rather than blaming the results on others or uncontrollable stuff–then you will realize that you can take control of your life once again.</p>

<p>Third: Realize that you probably will not be able to get into the UCs during this go-around–and therefore prepare yourself to remain at your own school for one more year–and figure out what you can do to improve your application when you re-apply. </p>

<p>Fourth: Ask yourself–could I have done better?–and will I be able to do better in the future? As long as your answer is yes–and I’m sure that your answer should be yes–then you are well on your way to improving next year’s results–and well on your way to getting back to a level where you will be accepted at a UC.</p>

<p>Fifth: Realize that sometimes what happens does so for a reason–as the Dalai Lama said: sometimes not getting what you want at a certain time turns out to be a remarkable stroke of luck. Who knows, maybe you will meet your spouse by staying at your school awhile longer. Maybe you will save money by going to your school for another year–versus moving to a UC now. Maybe you will become more dedicated to your studies–and thus do better from here on out–both at school and in your career. Maybe your next professor will end up being one that will write the recommendation you need to actually be accepted at that next school you attend. Maybe you will end up going to a different UC that allows you to make connections that will last a lifetime–and make your life much more positive.</p>

<p>Sixth: Celebrate the holidays–and don’t worry about the grades right now. Years from now, the grades you get in college matter only a little, but your own positive attitude–and your ability to learn to overcome adversity will be of much more value to living a wonderful life. Spend time with your friends and family–and enjoy your time together without worrying only about problems.</p>

<p>You should of withdraw your classes if you were that sick. You might get into the lower UC’s, but if you want a higher UC’s like Calcruzer said you will need to wait a year.</p>

<p>even if i do stay at a JC for antoher year, what do i take?! with spring 09, i’ll have 60 units…</p>

<p>also, i’m currently enrolled in 19 units for next sem… would schools like it more if i took more units and got good grades? i’ve been taking 18+ units for the past 2 sems. cus i know forsure i can hit a 3.8-4.0. (if i take more, i’ll be over 60 units) </p>

<p>and yes, i know it is ultimately my fault. and i did drop 2 of my courses during the time i was sick.</p>