Help! Didn't fill out FAFSA by March 2.

<p>What will happen if I applied for FAFSA after March 2nd? Does that mean I can't apply for Financial Aids? I'm a transfer student and will be attending UC Davis for Fall 2013.</p>

<p>It depends on the school; however, I’m sure that you still could get Federal financial aid.</p>

<p>If you qualify for the Pell Grant, you will still get that. You will get direct loans. Are you a CA resident who needs the Calgrant? Did you miss the FAFSA deadline for THAT? You need to check with them or with your college financial aid office. </p>

<p>Someone who is more knowledgable about the Calgrant will need to reply…but I think their deadlines are important ones!</p>

<p>Missing the March 2 deadline would preclude eligibility for a Cal Grant for UC Davis. I don’t know if any institutional aid might still be available. You need to contact Davis’s financial aid office to find out.</p>

<p>You would, as others have indicated, still be eligible for any federal grants or loans for which you are otherwise qualified. The March 2 deadline is for state aid only.</p>