Help! Don't know what to do, I missed the deadline for a school I really want to go

<p>Please answer. Today when I submitted my Rutgers University-New Brunswick application I realized that I had missed the priority deadline, which is the only deadline they had up. I knew the deadline was for priority applications beforehand, but through other schools I had that the priority application deadline was just for specified applications that had fees/teacher recs/essays waived. Then I went back and realized I was wrong today, and I really had wanted to be concerned for scholarships and such. This is really important to me because it is my first choice school. The deadline was December 1, and its already almost 2 weeks later now. Help!? Should I email the Rutgers and explain my situation?</p>


<p>P.S- The really stupid part is that my application would have been completed by that date if I wasn't perfecting the optional essay that Rutgers has for students to be considered for scholarships. Ugh! I'm really frustrated right now.</p>

<p>Sorry, but if you missed the deadline…you missed the deadline.
Don’t e-mail the admissions office to tell them that you missed the deadline, they will not make an exception for you.</p>

<p>Hate to be blunt, but there really is nothing that help you in a situation like this.
Just remember next time, submit your necessary applications/supplementary documents in advance of the deadline dates.</p>

<p>Wait and see what happens. Maybe they’ll look at your app and decide that you’re worthy. By how much did you miss the deadline?</p>

<p>Yeah, I definantly advise you to submit the app as soon as possible anyway. If you want give an additional explanotary note about the confusion. Plus most schools with priority app deadline doesn’t mean that app won’t be reviewed just isn’t guarenteed.</p>

<p>Thanks. I think I will do it in anyway, and just cross my fingers. The deadline was Dec 1 and I submitted it today, Dec 11. Too much time? Should I call/email or not?
I’m not sure if I would be “deemed worthy” or whatever…here are my stats</p>

<p>Highest combined score SAT I is 2030 ( 700 W, 650 CR, 680 M)
Bio M- 450- My low point I know, a really bad day for me and taken during my freshmen year only after honors bio with a really bad teacher, don’t know why I did it
Bio E- Taken after AP Bio Junior Yr- 600
Also Jr.yr Math Level I 620 and U.S History 65
GPA: 92.91
Take mainly honors mixed with AP classes. Will have taken 5 APs by end of my senior year.</p>

<p>Don’t call or e-mail them. That would just call attention to its lateness. I know people who have gotten college acceptances and scholarships despite applying after the deadlines. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Two years ago, my son applied AFTER the priority deadline, possibly deliberately since he really didn’t want to stay in NJ. He was very surprised when he received the top merit award (basically a full ride) - so it IS possible to be considered for the merit $ after the date.</p>

<p>The Rutgers priority deadline simply means that those who apply by that date get considered first for admission. You apply now you are still considered, just after that group. It is really not much different than a lot of universities that have early action except they will fill somewhat of a majority of the class with those who apply by Dec 1. Large nuimbers who apply after Dec 1 get into Rutgers, and some qualify for merit aid.</p>

<p>you send in your application as soon as possible. colleges love to increase their selectivity, which means that they have an incentive to consider as many applications as possible. i learned this from ‘a is for admission’ (an excellent book that helped me a lot with my applications), so i’m not just making this up. good luck.</p>