<p>There is actually a huge difference between EE and CompE.
Electrical Enhgineering is usually divided into technical areas such as DSP, Communitions and Networks, Control Engineering (dev. of stable, predictable systems), Solid State Devices (nanotechnology, new gen. of transistors, etc), Biomedical, Electronics, etc</p>
<p>Computer Engineering has to do more with Digital systems, Computer architecture, Operating Systems (low-level, hardware stuff), VLSI System Design, Chip development, CAD tools (place/route, synthesis, etc), FPGAs.</p>
<p>Generally speaking, electrical engineers do more math/theory oriented work. Areas such as communications/networks are very theory intensive and require a great deal of probability knowledge (random variables, marcov chains, etc). Control engineering ( and signal processing are also math-based… Engineers in this areas make heavy use of Matlab to run simulation models, FFTs, Z-transforms, transfet functions, etc. Signal Processing deals with the anaylys of continuous or discrete time signals (sound, bio data, images, etc)</p>
<p>On the other hand, Computer Engineering is right in between Electrical Engineering and Comp. science (That is why some EE programs are (ECE, CS) and others are EECS). Typically they have strong programming skills, but also need to know tradeoffs in a digital systems design (performance, area, cost) which means they need to understand Circuit Design theory and Solid Device technology (CMOS, BJTs, etc) to make their design decisions. They use Verilog/VHDL/System C programming languages to develop digital systems. Perl and Python are heavily used for scripting. Comp. Engs that are into CAD tool development try to come with new algorithms to increase the efficiency of the development tools. (ie Candence, Synopsys hire Comp Eng. that are into CAD). Computer architects develop new processors or high-end digital systems that hopefully have higher bit throughput, low latency, higher clk speed, lower power, etc.</p>
<p>I would like to re-emphasize that they are both very different. I am a grad student and I would say that from experience people in EE hate doing/taking classes in Comp. Architecture, Digital System Design while Comp. E hate taking classes such as Linear Systems, Control-Related classes, or Communication related.
EE is arguably the broadest field of any major… so make sure to pick your classes appropriately…</p>