Help - Engg. Hon. at Purdue

<p>Could someone please tell me how much better the honors program is than the general program? I have also been admitted to Carnegie Mellon and I plan to go there, but keeping in mind that purdue will be 25% cheaper for me and that its not far behind CM as far as rankings go, could someone please help me make a decision?</p>

<p> is helpful...........</p>

<p>First off, I think you'll enjoy this forum a lot more if you are a bit more patient with people answering your questions. There's only a few actual Purdue students on here, and we're all pretty busy, especially now.</p>

<p>Back on topic, I was in First-Year Engineering Honors last year, and I liked it. It was a lot of work, but I feel like I was better prepared for ME because of it. The program has changed a bit, though, but you still get more opportunities than non-honors first-year engineers. </p>

<p>As far as the Carnegie Mellon vs Purdue angle, I don't think I've ever heard someone say CM was better. That, of course, doesn't mean that it isn't, I've just never heard that. CM is top in purely undergrad institutions (along with Rose-Hulman, per U.S. News and World Report). Purdue is top ten in the rankings of doctorate-granting institutions, not to mention one of the top recruiting sites for Lockheed Martin, Eli Lilly, and a host of other top companies.</p>

<p>Worry less about the cost (if you can) and choose the school you feel that you'd be happier attending.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying.....I just posted to keep this subforum fresh and noticeable......didnt really mean all the sarcasm :). Well actually Carnegie Mellon is on the same list as Purdue(where institutions offer doctorates) and in fact I HAVE heard people say that its better than Purdue. Carnegie Mellon's reputation seems greater than that of Purdue's and hence I need to consider the cost to give Purdue some weight. I still havent been able to decide. Any more help?</p>

<p>Carnegie is a small private, while Purdue is a large public. Purdue has the big time athletics as well. To me, it's a matter of preference.</p>

<p>To me, I don't think it really, really matters where you go to school if it is a top school i.e. Purdue, Carnegie Mellon, Rose-Hulman, etc. I think you should go where you prefer. Like mumurthigal said above, Purdue is a large public school with Big Ten athletics whereas CM is small, private and isn't exactly known for athletics.</p>

<p>I feel that Purdue's College of Liberal Arts is what drags down the reputation a bit. Purdue was founded as a land-grant college for science, technology, and agriculture. CLA gets neglected a bit in my opinion while the other programs are typically very good.</p>

<p>After graduating from a good school of engineering, you should be able to find a job within 6 months of graduating. Purdue is heavily recruited by all of the aero/defense companies, GE, and numerous other top companies as well as up-and-coming new companies. I really can't tell you anything about CM.</p>

<p>Do you have any other concerns outside of reputation and possible cost, i.e. dorms, etc?</p>

<p>I feel that I should clarify what I meant about the liberal arts program.</p>

<p>The College of Liberal Arts at Purdue isn't weak by any means, but it's not as reputed as the engineering, technology, pharmacy, and management programs. Purdue was never really intended to be a "liberal arts" school like IU, so the focus has always been more towards STEM.</p>

<p>I'd love for Purdue to increase the admission standards (which they are) and focus a bit more on liberal arts to strengthen Purdue's all-around image.</p>

<p>It depends what you want to do. CM does have a better rep, but I highly doubt that going to Purdue is going to keep you out of any engineering job in the country. Unless you plan to use your degree to get into finance or something of that nature, it would probably be better to save some money and go to Purdue. </p>

<p>As far as the honors program, I have heard it’s hard and know quite a few people who dropped out of it. </p>

<p>Both are good schools, CM is probably a little better but I don’t think that it’s enough to forfeit 25% tuition for unless you think you want to try to get into finance.</p>