<p>so the Columbia app says:</p>
<p>We prefer that you limit yourself to approximately 250-500 words (or 1-2 pages)</p>
<p>My essay is 1-2 pages long, but its not between 250-500 words. its actually like 1000 words. is this ok?</p>
<p>so the Columbia app says:</p>
<p>We prefer that you limit yourself to approximately 250-500 words (or 1-2 pages)</p>
<p>My essay is 1-2 pages long, but its not between 250-500 words. its actually like 1000 words. is this ok?</p>
<p>ehhhh. better be damn interesting. i’d say 750 MAX. you don’t want them to see the length and get frustrated before even reading your essay. the essay is supposed to help you. i dunno. if you feel it is perfect the way it is, go for it. but i’d try to keep it a tad bit shorter.</p>
<p>No. You can go a bit over 500, but the critical instruction is the word limit because you can probably put 3000 words on 2 pages in a small enough pica.</p>
<p>Going 50% above the upper limit isn’t advisable.</p>
<p>thanks. I’m basically using my Personal Essay from the Common App and just tweaked it a little. I’m sure theres some stuff that I can take out and it will still have its meaning. would either of you mind reading it</p>
<p>I’ll read it…</p>
<p>Ya, I agree with the few posts above. I actually attended one of the Columbia University orientations/informations sessions, where a student asked one of the admission directors present that same question, about the word limit, and she advised not to go too far past the limit, that is, maybe 550~600 is acceptable, but no more.</p>
<p>Good luck to all!</p>