Help Finding Safties!

<p>3.78 UW gpa
27 ACT (32 M 23 E 26R 26 S)
Bio m - 780
Math 2 - 690
3 varsity sports (4 yrs each over 2000hrs in hs not counting running on my own)
Captain of all 3 sports
Secretary of Microfinance Club
Member of NHS
Various volunting close to 100 hrs</p>

<p>I am looking for some safty schools. I plan on majoring in ChemE. I am already applying to UMASS Lowell, but I cannot think of anyother schools. Any help would be appreciated.</p>

<p>What is your budget? Have you estimated your Expected Family Contribution? Are your parents able and willing to cover the entire EFC? If not, what’s their limit?</p>

<p>Are you a Massachusetts resident?
Do you have any strong preferences for size, location/setting/climate, atmosphere, etc.?</p>

<p>If UMass Lowell is affordable, and you’d be happy to attend, it may be the only safety school you need.</p>

<p>Try using the supermatch search engine here on CC. You can put it in your gpa, test scores, majors, and locations and see what comes up. Clarkson, Syracuse, perhaps WPI.
Your ACT is a little low relative to your GPA. Did you take any AP classes?</p>

<p>I’m an MA resident with no budget. 5 APs and all honors classes</p>

<p>Is manhattan college any good?</p>

<p>“No budget” is not clear. Does that mean you have “no money”? Or “It does not matter”?</p>

<p>If it means, “No money”, you need to have your parents help you run the FAFSA calculator to see what your EFC is, and also use the Net Price Calculator on college websites to see what kind of financial aid package you might expect from a given school.</p>

<p>I meant money is not an issue</p>

<p>Do you have any location preferences? How big of a school would you prefer? </p>

<p>Here are some ABET accredited chem engineering schools that are most likely safeties for you based solely on your stats. They represent a wide variety of schools, ranging from enormous state schools to small privates:
Arizona State University
Colorado State University
Montana State University
Kansas State
Clarkson University
Manhattan College
Michigan Tech
Oregon State
South Dakota School of Mines
University of Iowa
University of Maine
University of New Mexico
West Virginia University