<p>Been there. My DD won first overall in Decathlon Region Honors Division, First in UIL Region Social Studies, Second UIL State SS, first in State (2 years) Citizen Bee, and did NOT get a SS award at graduation. I went to the department chair, and talked to her. Our school is only 4 years old, and my D made their reputation - they cite her accomplishments in new student orientation, etc., yet the school has done nothing to honor her. I asked how they chose the people - 4 teachers separately pick one student each with the highest grade in their 1 senior class! Now, my DD had very high A's in all her SS classes, but in senior year, one student beat her by one point in each of her 2 classes. They do not meet and decide who was best overall (all 4 yrs.). Pretty inane, isn't it? Dept. chair said DD had not been her student, so she couldn't nominate her. She also made the remark that they knew DD would get lots of rewards, so perhaps they were trying to spread the wealth and give it to someone who probabaly wouldn't get any. This happened to DD with the DAR award - after nominations, teachers came up to me and wanted to know where her name was ont he ballot, because they wanted to vote for her - but no one nominated her. Some asked her teachers, and they all said they knew someone else would nominate her, so they gave it to someone else who might not get it. Now, she might not have won, but she never even had the chance! They call on her whenever they need her for something, like going to competitions and represent their dept., but they don't acknowledge her accomplishments. About the awards, again, I found out math did it the same way, but the teachers that had the val knew he was the best in math overall, and they went to the senior teachers and made sure he got it. I spoke to DD's competition sponsor, and she said she couldn't say anything, because she didn't teach seniors. But she will talk to the chair and others and see if there is a better way. The problem is the perception of the awards by the dept. is divergent from that of the parents and students. The kids all came up to DD and were appalled that she hadn't gotten the award. They were also astonished that another girl had not gotten the science award. The award is called the SS or Science award, etc., but according to teachers it is a class award. Our dept. (I teach in the same school) gave DD the foreign language award (the only one she got), but we set up standards for overall 4 year participation). We give awards only to students who showed enough interest to get to AP, scored 4-5 on the test, and had high A's, and take other factors into account, such as taking more than one language, etc., and the languages with more than one teacher get together and compare notes before we choose. There were no surprises with our dept. (We had had the argument about giving it to students who ordinarily would not get an award, but shine in our dept., and we finally decided not to do that, but give it to the most deserving, even if it meant they might get all the awards - when they found out what happened to DD, the rest of the teachers decided that we were right after all - you can't count on what someone else may or may not do). The administration definitely needs to establish guidelines instead of letting the depts. do their own thing. Once I explained to DD what happened, she felt better. She is also the shy type who as sal has been passed over numerous times for awards. I never come to school and throw my weight around. DD does her own thing, and does not cozy up to anyone. She finally decided that one day, she will show them all when she meets her goal of being the next Condolleezza Rice. Interestingly, her sponsor for State Ctiizen Bee won a monetary award for working with the State champ - she received the books in the mail and gave them to DD, then drove her to competition. She even said she would feel funny taking the $, since she did nothing - my DD did it all. In front of my DD, another teacher asked her if she would be giving the $ to my DD, and she said she would if she weren't so poor! So, you see...I have always said that kids expect and deserve fairness from adults bit this world isn't fair, and DD has finally realized that her own accomplishments will have to suffice. She has won all kinds of things, but they don't seem to acknowledge that, either. It's what's inside and DD's self esteem that is carrying her. You can't change the system, but you can help your DD feel good about her accomplishments, and not rely so much on outside reaffirmation. It isn't easy, and quite frankly, this whole situation seems to have hurt me more than it did her. She has moved on (as will your DD) but it still bothers me. I wish I had some magical words with magical solutions, but it sounds like your DD and mine are twins, and I had none, either. Even winning didn't solve the other situation.</p>