Help!!! Geneseo vs fordham engineering

<p>so college acceptances came around and I find myself choosing between Geneseo and Fordham university. I'm trying to do the 3/2 engineering program between either Geneseo or Fordham with Columbia U. In a nutshell, i spend three years at either Fordham or Geneseo and transfer to Columbia U. for two years. Anyway, I went to visit Geneseo and I spoke with a lot of professors and imo, I feel like Geneseo would give me a good, comprehensive education in physics and engineering but i can't say the same for Fordham. I have yet to visit and i have no clue how good their engineering is compared to Geneseo. </p>

<p>Anyway, I know Geneseo has a better education, but I'd rather go to Fordam for a number of reasons (slightly more affordable, it's only 30 min from home where Geneseo is 8 hrs, close to friends, and I spend time in the city, a much preferable environment). </p>

<p>tl;dr-should I go to Fordham instead of Geneseo despite the superior quality of education at Geneseo? And how much better is Geneseo than fordham in terms of engineering?</p>

<p>If Fordham is slightly more affordable then Geneseo then GO THERE. ahah. Fordham at one point was my top choice out of Boston U, University of Rochester, Columbia U, Northwestern, Northeastern, and Penn Stae…but my mind in what i want in a college has shifted and I plan to attend University of Rochester, very happily.</p>

<p>BUT Fordham is an amazing school, it’s in the heart of Manhattan, unless you’re planning on the Rosehill campus which I do not know as much about, but they both have a great vibe among the students.</p>