Help! Getting a C in senior year?

Hi all I am really concerned because I am currently struggling in AP English and will most likely get a C. However, I have been a good student (UC GPA: 4.14) and I had a really tough journey/rollercoaster ride in my English courses throughout high school and its part of my essays/additional comments section. long story short, I struggled a lot with english in freshman year, confidence dropped, then decided to take ap english to really challenge myself. Will getting a C jeopardize my chances of the UCs? especially UCB/UCLA if I’m waitlisted or accepted?

Senior grades are not used in admissions decisions. If you are waitlisted, they may ask for Senior grades so the C could have a slight impact. Senior grades basically maintain your provisional admission. UCLA/UCB require a 3.0 unweighted GPA for Senior year and no more than 2 C’s. The rest of the UC’s require a 3.0 Weighted GPA to keep your provisional admission. One C will not hurt your chances but try to get that grade up to a B by years end.

If you are on the borderline or on the edge, you might receive a Supplemental information request from a UC in January. The Supplemental asks for the courses you are taking in the senior year and the Fall grades and has some questions for you to answer in very short paragraphs… A grade of a C would look bad. The Supplemental is requested by the UC when they want more information to make a decision. Try your best to raise your grade in case you get a Supplemental request.