<p>has anyonedone this before? how did you find someone to take your lease? i am looking at off campus housing and the off campus lease will begin in june so i want to make sure someone else takes my dorm lease before signing the off campus lease.</p>
<p>Wait till the transfers get accepted. Most of the time you can get one to help out, especially if you got Lambeth or Bice</p>
<p>Yea I have one of those. i posted on the transfer thread. i imagin anyone who is living in gooch/dillard would love lambeth/bice.</p>
<p>Use Uloop, there are options on there right now and tell everybody you know, I think you’ll find lots of people looking to take over your contract. My housing got messed up and I just took over someones contract. Good luck, it will work out and have fun off campus!</p>
<p>The search is going horriby. Any more tips?</p>
<p>Did you post flyers at the dining halls?</p>
<p>No I didn’t.</p>
<p>They don’t have to accept until May 15th. I imagine not all have made a final choice. Just sit tight The key is to reminding incoming transfers that Lambeth/Bice are by far the most social on-grounds housing, there’s very, very little chance they’ll get it in the lottery, and it’s close to everything. Very few knew any of the pros/cons of the various housing locations, they are new after all
I hope a transfer picks your contract up, Lambeth was worth it to me</p>
<p>Hi…im trying to get housing in Lambeth or Bice. im a transfer. Many of us dont know how this contract tackover works. How does it happen…?</p>
<p>Also, it i go through uva housing office is there a chance i will be placed in lambeth or bice??</p>
<p>uvastudent2012…ar looking for a male or female? Is it a two or three bedroom???</p>
<p>Both parties contact the housing office, and the incoming person needs to put down a $100 deposit. It’s pretty easy and routine.
If you go through the housing office, you’re most likely going to be placed somewhere else. You can get lucky, but a majority of Bice/Lambeth spots are filled. If you take over someone’s contract, you’re guaranteed to be in that spot.</p>
<p>I’m looking for a male and its a 2 bedroom apartment.</p>
<p>sigh…im looking for a female contact. Good luck</p>
<p>Are you still looking for a contract? Because I have a female one I need someone to take over.</p>