Help "getting personal"

<p>Hey I'm having trouble getting personal with my essay, cause I honestly have a lot of trouble opening up in general. I've drafted a few things and teachers I show them too say they're boring, don't really show my personality, etc. But I haven't had any huge event in my life so I basically end up just generalizing about life in general and I'm at a lost for how to improve. My problems "opening up" also make it hard for me to really discuss this with anyone face to face. Any advice on either topics or getting personal when it's hard to?</p>

<p>Alluring cliche is an interesting choice as your pen name. Can a cliche be alluring? You might discuss this as an intellectual essay. What cliches do you find alluring? Are there others that you find trite or unsuitable or distracting?</p>

<p>Alternatively, you could discuss your life in terms of the cliche you've used: "I haven't had any huge event in my life" Translated, perhaps you are implying "my life is boring, uninteresting, unalluring". Well, you could use that hypotheses to explore your life -- and the essay would result in you either proving or disproving it. In doing so in a thoughtful way, you would be revealing something about your life and how you think.</p>

<p>Don't generalize about life in general.</p>

<p>You don't have to have a huge event.</p>

<p>Try thinking of small things, small events, small stuff that is important to you.</p>

<p>What is something that's fun for you?</p>

<p>Have you had any particularly satisfying days? What were you doing then?</p>

<p>You said elsewhere here that you like to write. Why? Could that be connected somehow with your problems "opening up"? </p>

<p>You seem to have self-awareness. What about the problem of "opening up"? Has anything happened that has helped you advance in this area?</p>

<p>If the suggestions here or above get you started, great! If not, perhaps post back your reactions to the replies to your original post.</p>