HELP! Going insane. I really want to go to Rutgers but missed deadline

<p>Please answer. Today when I submitted my Rutgers University-New Brunswick application I realized that I had missed the priority deadline, which is the only deadline they had up. I knew the deadline was for priority applications beforehand, but through other schools I had that the priority application deadline was just for specified applications that had fees/teacher recs/essays waived. Then I went back and realized I was wrong today, and I really had wanted to be concerned for scholarships and such. This is really important to me because it is my first choice school. The deadline was December 1, and its already almost 2 weeks later now. Help!? Should I email the Rutgers and explain my situation?</p>


<p>P.S- The really stupid part is that my application would have been completed by that date if I wasn't perfecting the optional essay that Rutgers has for students to be considered for scholarships. Ugh! I'm really frustrated right now.</p>

<p>Explain what situation…?</p>

<p>I don’t know if its really a “situation” per say… i guess i phrased it wrong…i mean about my confusion</p>

<p>sorry. but no can do. i don’t think they’ll buy it. just suck it up and blame yourself for not filling out the app months before. there are other great colleges out there. good luck</p>

<p>Just because you missed the deadline dosent mean you still cant get into rutgers. Send the app in ASAP and see what happens… Good Luck!</p>

<p>That Dec 1 deadline is a hard deadline. But you can still apply, you just won’t be considered for the scholarship.</p>

<p>Just in state? I’m an out of stater</p>

<p>its rolling after dec1</p>

<p>come down your going to fine. heres what you do…</p>

<pre><code>first still complete the application with all the required documents (SATs + transcripts)

<p>after you completed that step, wait to here a reply. Most likely they probably will say that they withdrew your application because there was failure to turn in all documents by the deadline. Next what you do after that is write a LETTER TO RECONSIDER YOUR APPLICATION. In this letter explain the situation, in this case make it sound more juicy and reasonable lol, and when writing this letter try to sound very educated…such as “I would highly appreciate it if you could allow me to futher my education at your university”. etc inputting lines like that would increase your chances for a reconsider. Hope everything works out, let me know how it turns out. GOOD LUCK!!</p>

<p>a friend applied in march and still received fin aid, scholarship, honors program, everything. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, especially if your stats are good.</p>

<p>The December 1 date is just for priority applications. If you go to their admision’s site, it says you can still apply.</p>