Help! Good grades, high stress, perfectionism

<p>Someone ease my worries!</p>

<p>I am a freshman engineering student at Texas A&M and just finished my first semester. I took Physics, Calc II, and ENGR 111 and made all A's, which I'm very proud of.</p>

<p>You would think this would make me feel confident in my abilities, but I still don't... I feel guilty when I'm not studying, stress about every single possible thing, and find myself freakishly emailing teachers about almost negligible things.</p>

<p>I am taking Physics: E&M, Calc III, ENGR 112, and Chemistry this semester. I want to not be stressed about it, but I can't. </p>

<p>I have a social life and go out every Friday and Saturday, but I feel extreme guilt and worry if I am not up by like 8 AM every day. I'm involved in organizations, but find it hard to balance it all mentally and emotionally.</p>

<p>Should I change what I am doing?</p>

<p>Your academics are clearly OK and the fact that you are taking them seriously helps. however, if you are unhappy because of the stress and you do not find the studying enjoyable, then you do need to change something. Perhaps you should go see the counseling center just to talk about this and perhaps find a better balance. </p>

<p>By the way, a bit of worry and stress are not a bad thing. They probably contribute to your strong academics.</p>