<p>I am an admitted student of fall 2012 and I am overseas and studying in the U.S. for the first time, so i want to study in summer session first to adapt better to american college life.But now i face a serious problem. so i am so appreciated that u guys can help me solve the problem.</p>
<p>Firstly,I will need my summer I-20 from UCLA in order tp enter the U.S. before summer session begins. So firstly, I would ask could I request Fall I-20 to cover my summer session? That would be convenient for me to do so. If not, that means i must register UCLA summer session and pay $400 register fees as other visiting students, who will study in summer session. </p>
<p>Secondly, Summer session A will begin on 25th June, so i need to get I-20 as soon as possible, which helps me to acquire F-1 visa. I would ask when i could get my summer I-20 once I have enrolled summer session and paid fees.</p>
<p>Thirdly, I found i can directly choose summer session courses and pay fees via my URSA.Does that mean all i need to do is just to get summer I-20 because that gives me first access to U.S.</p>
<p>Honestly you don’t need to be in summer session really. Believe you arrive in august for the fall semester and that gives ample time to get used to…there are so many international students and international orientation and so forth. And not sure which country you are from but Asia is very well represented.</p>
<p>However if you STILL want to come for summer session, the questions are best answered by the international office [UCLA</a> Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars - New Students](<a href=“http://www.internationalcenter.ucla.edu/NewStudents.aspx?ViewID=4&subviewID=0]UCLA”>http://www.internationalcenter.ucla.edu/NewStudents.aspx?ViewID=4&subviewID=0)</p>
<p>We should not speculate on immigration rules. And they can be tricky with the I-20s…</p>
<p>@1Kevinsun, I suggest you take a look at CSI program, [UCLA</a> New Student & Transition Programs - Resources](<a href=“http://www.newstudents.ucla.edu/csi.htm]UCLA”>http://www.newstudents.ucla.edu/csi.htm)</p>
<p>My freshman student took it, a lot of international students were there last summer. (most are from China).</p>
<p>@UCLAParent Thanks for your reply. i know CSI Program, which helps high school senior students to smoothly transit to college life. But i think i have decided to attend summer session and have chosen the courses, which can help me better.But thanks anyway~</p>
<p>@fall2016parent Definitely right, we should not speculate on visa rules. So i will ask what u mentioned above,the international office UCLA Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars - New Students, about Summer I-20 and Visa. Thanks for ur help~</p>
<p>^Actually I fully agree with @UCLAParent. If you want to get a head start, do the CSI program. </p>
<p>The other summer school is actually made of all visiting students, and also high school students who want to sample college life. I don’t know the latest I-20 rules but I know they are very stringent about entering the country for the course that you are assigned. </p>
<p>It might mean getting 2 different I-20’s and the worst thing could be you come to summer with summer school I-20, then you have to leave the country and re-enter with another I-20. I have seen this happen…Again like I said, I do not want to speculate. But the immigration rules are complex here
When you talk to international office, ask for specific example of someone who has done this. </p>
<p>I’d just save my money and come in August :)</p>
<p>@KevinSun, I just want to try one more time to suggest CSI program to you. My student had benefits from there.
- register the orientation which will be just for CSI students, so that you can come to orientation + CSI program in one trip.
- you can choose 2 courses and one civic engagement course
- you will meet other international students and local students
- there is a progam advisor so you can always talk to about any issues
- it’s a program, so you can get weekend activities if you want to join
- you will get ahead start, explore the campus, meet international student org from your country to know how to live in LA (where are the banks, what are the options, where to shop for foods, how to take buses, where to make copies, where to get books, course readers…)
- the program also offers tutoring service (writng tutors, chem tutors were offered last year)
- the students you are going to meet in CSI are all freshmen
- you will stay in better dorm in lower price, and with CSI students.
- you will have the option to stay through after CSI.</p>
<p>Lastly, you will find some common ground to start your life in the U.S.</p>