Help! How do I make a performance video?

I have video of DS from different sources and I need to somehow get it into a performance supplement that I can upload to youtube or submit to slideroom. The video I have is either on DVD or sent to me as a link to an mp4 in dropbox. I can’t even figure out how to download the mp4 to my computer.

Can anyone recommend an easy-to-use program (Windows) that I could use to put this together? I need to do it within a week.

Windows Movie Maker works great for that. You can add title pages, edit clips, fade in and out, then publish it directly to YouTube or make an mp4 for submission to slideroom. That is the program I used for my daughter’s art supplement.

Thank you, Parent1337. I downloaded it and was able to import the video from dropbox. I tried to make a title page and, although I’m very familiar with Powerpoint and MS Word, couldn’t manage to get different size text or multiple text boxes. Is there a tutorial anywhere?

Depending on what kind of school and chances of admission and all that, I would consider spending some money and have it done professionally. When my older daughter applied with an art portfolio it took a LOT of time and effort to photograph 20-30 pieces, and both of us have top notch camera gear and are good photographers. Video editing is even more complex. You can get a decent result DIY but if you’re applying to some top places where every detail matters, I would consider having a professional do the shooting and the editing.