HELP! I applied to UIC but now I want a different area of study...

Or actually Im interested in two areas of study, pre-pharmacy and pre-nutrition. Neither is actually a major and I only need a few more classes to reach the requirements for PharmD or Nutrition. I already have 83 credits and an Associate in Science. I applied already and wrote an essay about Pharmacy. Now I am questioning it and realizing I might like Nutrition more. Their applications are weird online and Im not sure if I should submit a second application or wait to see if Im accepted and then ask to study classes more focused on Nutrition, rather than pharmacy. I think my actual “Major” is considered Undeclared. Would they let me switch my focus or do I need to tweak my personal statement, write an entire second program essay and submit a second application? Lol.

You don’t send another application. Call and ask them to change you to undecided or to Nutrition.

You also should take a look at the courses for those two tracks of study. They might not be very different at all.

Pre-pharmacy/pre-nutrition are not majors but advising tracks. You can easily change tracks upon acceptance. Yes, you are considered to be undecided and since you have 60 hours credit, this is an issue.

If you are looking at BS in Nutrition, the issue is more pressing. Nutrition is a competitive undergraduate major in the College of Applied Health Sciences. It is hard to get accepted. Pharmacy is considered to be a first professional degree. Most applicants will have a bachelors by the time of matriculation.

Per UIC rules, you cannot be undecided if you have more than 60 hours credit. They will not allow you register for classes. I don’t know how this applies to transfer students. You should also ask them if you can use all your community college credits because there are issues if you over 60 hours.

It’s less wanting to switch and more being uncertain. I might stick to prepharmacy but I’d like options. Also I have a lot of credits but 63 of them were for completion of a degree. Twenty were extras I took during the degree completion. Also it was at another school so I doubt that matters. I nearly need to enter undeclared to pursue pharmacy because there’s no point in having another major if I want to study PharmD.