Help!i dont want to be recinded

<p>Ok so right before I sent out my UC AP I sighen up to redo 5 courses. One of which was English 9 which I recently finished(that was my only D). The other four classes were all of the Bs I got in 9th and tenth(On one of the semesters for one of the classes I got an A).I did you first class and the other four on a completely differant websites. The post was very glitchy which,along with the reason that I coundn’t keep up my other classes and do these as well.My gpa for 10+11 was 3.8 sat 750710 sat2 1960 sat. I got accepted to Davis and UCSB, do you think I be rescinded? What do I do?</p>

<p>Wait...can you make that more clear? I don't get why you would be rescinded. A glitchy post? Reason you couldn't keep up your other classes?
They accepted you for the grades you had when you turned in the application. Unless you're getting bad grades THIS YEAR, you are fine.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention that I dropped the 4 courses and that the reason I'm scared I might be rescinded.</p>

<p>Well did you list them on your college app as planned courses? If not, you're fine, because you don't have to report a change to them. And I doubt they would even care, because they are extra online classes, that were previously B's (not bad at all for 9/10, why are you worried?). Like said, they accepted you for the grades you had before retaking classes.
I think they can only rescind you if you fail senior year classes/have a low senior year GPA. It varies a bit from school to school though.</p>

<p>So Between UCSB and Davis which one of them would be more likely to rescind me?</p>

<p>And yeah I did put them as planned.</p>

<p>I don't know. SB seems to be pretty chill, I've heard lots of people getting away with Ds in their senior year and not getting rescinded by them. You really do have to look at the individual policies of each school. You should contact both of the schools and see what the admissions people have to say.</p>