help I failed and want to transfer

Well I’m 22 and I am a nursing student. I started out at a community college and tried to get in the nursing program there but my grades weren’t good enough. So my dad found a nursing school that a lot of people didn’t hear of but it’s accredited. It’s a fast paced college you’re taking like 2 nursing classes a semester! Well to make a long story short in April I failed a nursing class and I failed a pharmacology class last semester that makes 2 classes. In nursing school a C is considers failing. I got the letter in my email and I am SCARED beyond reason about what or how to tell my parents. That school wasn’t a normal college it was so unorganized and the only reason my dad sent me there without not researching it enough was to just get me to be a nurse quick. He liked that the school which is a 2 year you can sit for the boards and get your RN. I just went along with it at the time but didn’t realize how insane this school is. Even my professors at the school said it’s not a school to be in. I had to do 2 clinicals a week and had tests almost every 2 weeks! It was not a normal college and eventually I got overwhelmed and failed. I am now transferring over to adelphi university a 4 year college to continue there. I didn’t get the acceptance letter yet but my plan was to get the acceptance letter and then tell them. But they literally think I’m still going to this nursing school which is not known by many colleges.

I need everyone’s advice. I don’t think they understand how overwhelming this school was and how I think a 4 year college will be better for me and actually have time to study and have breaks. That nursing school was straight the only break I had was Christmas and that was for 2 weeks.

Please help I don’t know what to do! I don’t know if I should wait and then tell them or tell them flat but then they’ll know I lied to them cause I’m giving them the illusion that I am still in that college I was going to tell them next month and say oh I just failed when in reality I was out of that school since late April! I still want to be a nurse I still want to make them proud but that school was not realistic it cost me my grades and my health and I want to tell them so bad but I don’t know the right time.

I realize you are a difficult position. However, delaying telling them will only make matters worse.

Are you going to be able to afford Adelphi if you are admitted? The average dependent student can take out $7,500 a year in Stafford loans in each of their last 2 years of college.

You might consider other alternatives, such as becoming a Practical Nurse. You can later take more courses and then take the test to upgrade to a RN, but at least you can be employed in the meantime and minimize your debt. Many community colleges have very affordable Practical Nurse programs. Practical Nurse programs will require require less intensive science classes and labs than a RN program, and the admission standards are much less competitive. LPN programs probably have more flexible application deadlines, if you want to start this Fall.

Here’s some info on Licensed Practical Nursing programs in NY state:

I’m assuming you are attending a for-profit college. Your situation may serve as a warning to others.