<p>Hi. I've got an interview at 2:30 with a professor of political science at PSU and I need some help. I wanted to do research assistance with this professor and he teaches international law, global arms trade, and world politics. The problem is, I know little about each of those subjects and I'm trying cram in as much as I can about each of those topics while I can. Is there anything I should do or know about an interview like this? Could you guys shed me some insight about the subjects I listed?</p>
<p>You don’t know anything about what he teaches, yet you want to do assist him in research. How2do that? Let me know.</p>
<p>Well, he said he had something for me, so I figured I was already set. Now that it’s nearing, I feel a little stupid about going in with no apprehension about what he does. And yeah, that’s basically the gist and it’s my fault and I know it, so nobody give me a lecture about it. It’s summer and I didn’t feel like doing work right away. Sorryz and thanks if you want to help.</p>