I just sir’ed to UCLA, but as soon as the 11:59pm deadline passed, I came to regret my choice real bad. I was actually deliberating between UCLA and Berkeley, and now I regret the choice… is there any ways to somehow withdraw from UCLA and late SIR to Berkeley? The deadline has already passed tho…but the housing deadline is due tomorrow.
I really regret my decision and want to make my final commitment to Berkeley. I know it seems quite indecisive but I now know for sure that I want to go to Berkeley without any further regret. Please help me
Hey, I personally think UCLA was the better choice. It seems to me that people are generally happier at UCLA than at Berkeley. You SIRed there for a reason, remember? Try to recall what it was that sold you on the school earlier.
You would probably feel the same way had you SIRed at Berkeley and turned down UCLA. It was a difficult decision. It’s normal to question and hope that you made the correct one.
You simply have cold feet. UCLA will be excellent to have on your resume. You’ll really enjoy the school spirit out there. And all of the attractions out there in the LA area…beaches not too far away with WARM water…Lucky you!
A lot of time in our life something happens for a reason, and you should believe that you cannot change it but your attitude. UCLA may not be the best choice in your standard, but surely, it is not bad at all.
Unfortunately, today is Sunday. You may want to contact Ber on Monday to SIR late, and Cal may welcome you.
LOL. This is like me… I SIR’d to Cal, because I could not make up my mind. I flipped a coin, made a pros and cons list, and did everything I could do, and I still could not make up my decision. Based on what people around me told me, I chose Cal. Now, I am regretting and want to change it to UCLA. Well… I think you and I have to contact the admission office of both campuses and ask them if they offer us a late SIR on Monday. I chose UC Berkeley because of its name brand, but I have felt blue because UCLA always has been my dream school ever since high school. I might go for UCLA if they are willing to offer me a late SIR. I know it is not an easy decision. I understand you so well.
@magicsauce and @hodol2006, I don’t know what the rules are here about contacting each other in real life, but it seems like the two of you might increase your odds of success if you approach the universities together (via email or in person) and jointly ask them to flip your SIRs! That said, these are both excellent schools and if you’re locked in, you both will thrive. Find your niche and make the most of this opportunity that so many other students are sad to have missed. Good luck!
I don’t know what your major is, but I think you’ve initially made the right decision. I think it’s a lot better to go to UCLA unless you’re an engineering or a business major(Haas). Especially if you are considering on going to graduate schools. This is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. The schools are the same at the undergraduate level; both will give you the exact same opportunity as long as you put in the work. So go to the school where you’ll be happier, where you think will give you a better opportunity for you to excel in your academics. This is important. Anyways, I’ve heard of some cases where they accepted the late SIRs. So if you truly think you belong to Cal, call the admission office as soon as the Monday hits, explain your situation to them. Maybe they might accept you since it’s not too late. Hope that helps 
Undergraduate is not important in Business, the most important is MBA. So UCLA or CAL or Irvine would be similar. But the most important thing is YOU MUST ENJOY WHAT YOU DO. Sometimes we have to LEARN HOW TO ENJOY WHAT WE HAVE TOO.
What ended up happening when you contacted the offices yesterday, @magicsauce and @hodol2006?