HELP! I messed up on Application Pt1

I know, I know, I know
I should have been more careful before I submitted it but...</p>

<p>For picking the intended/interested major, I was stuck choosing between Economics and Philosophy.
I know that there's an Economics-Philosophy major, but I ended up choosing just Philosophy because with the rising number of interested economic students, I thought the pool would be competitive</p>

<p>Then I realized it doesnt really matter, and I wanted to change it to either Economics-Philosophy or just Economics from Philosophy.
When I sent them email, they said they cant edit it since I already submitted it, but they said they can append the changes to my file.</p>

<p>Question: If I decide to change it and they append it, would it make me look fickle and bad?</p>

<p>Opinions please!!</p>


<p>do not contact them again! as you just said it doesn’t matter…stop annoying them</p>

<p>it won’t make any difference to ur candidacy nor are you bound to what you put down on the application…relax and forget about it</p>