I’m currently a sophomore enrolling in the IB program that is offered at my school. I have an issue, I’m in Honors Geometry which is considered regular math for my grade. Most of the people I know going into IB are in at least Algebra II, some are even in Pre-Calc. My understanding is that I would take Honors Algebra II/ Trig for my junior year, and IB Math Studies for my senior year. I’ve heard from many that this class is extremely easy and designed for people who are not mathematically competent. The issue I have is that I’m actually good at math, even though I’m in regular math. I’ve scored advanced on all standardized tests and most of my teachers have been puzzled why I’m in regular. Is there any way I can be in a more rigorous class offered by the IB program? Thanks for taking time to respond.

The thing is you are doing geo in 10th grade. The time for this question was the year you place into your math pathway (this might have been back in 6th grade, or later). All you can do is talk to your math teacher and your IB coordinator. The normal track in my kids school was geo in 8th grade. If you can get a summer alg 2, will that be enough to place you in SL mathematics? Look around your district for free online or local summer programs. If you can get online then start it ASAP to show your enthusiasm and be confident for a placement test if offered.

As @Alfonsia‌ said, you’ll need a summer course. That’s the only surefire way to be moved up in time and be sure you cover the material.

Thanks! Is anyone aware of any good summer programsM My teacher said that she wasn’t aware of any.

Have you googled? Look instate first, many states/districts have online programs, look for your district’s summer programs, you might even be able to attend a make up credit class and pass that way. Check out local university/college summer programs. BYU does online classes but I don’t know a thing about them as online stuff is free instate. I can’t tell if you are in a private school, in a public I would expect your GC would know all the options.

I can honestly tell you that the gap between Math Studies SL and Mathematics SL is very wide. Math SL requires Trigonometry and Functions. In fact, Math SL goes into Calculus, so Pre-Calculus is a very, VERY wise piece to have in your arsenal before enterring Math SL. I can give you the syllabus for Math SL, if you want. Look through it, and see whether you will be able to handle it. :slight_smile: