<p>I am a premed student who is not sure of which major to pursue. I am concerned about MCB becuase I have been told that it is hard to get decent grades if that major is chosen and that IB is much better. Then how about nutritional sciences? I like science an would like to major in science, typically something to do with biology....but not sure what I should choose. Please help!!</p>
<p>Take a lower (or upper division, really) class from each major over the span of your first two years and see what you enjoy more. MCB is a lot of chemistry and molecule-level science; IB is organism- and ecosystem-level; nutritional sciences and toxicology are physiological; and public health focuses on epidemiology, policy, and human-related issues.</p>
<p>With these majors in mind, don't forget your backup plan. What kind of career are you prepared to venture into in case plans for Med school don't pan out? Are you willing to substitute with nursing? In that case, Public Health would be best. How about doing research as a laboratory technician? Probably MCB, IB, and toxicology. </p>
<p>The best paid alternative careers directly related to your final major would be in Public Health and Molecular Toxicology. A bachelor's in MCB is fairly meaningless in terms of career development, even if it really is the toughest major of the lot. You have a lot of leeway during your first two years to flirt around with different major and career plans, so definitely take advantage of it. In most cases, it's okay to save some pre-reqs and breadth requirements for your final two years.</p>
<p>IB is far easier than MCB. Both MCB and IB have health science courses, but in IB, as many as four or five of your six upperdivs can be in health science</p>
<p>if you are a gpa whore, definitely major in ib. seems like you want to get into law school or med school. i would switch to psychology to secure a 4.0. then take the silly pre reqs and then decide. its very important to have a broad education.</p>
<p>My D did not declare a major until end of year two and she found she was too late to really make MCB work so she went IB, all along she had been interested in bio, but had heard stories about how horrid it was- filled with premeds, etc. So, she took all her GE and explored the lower div courses and now she is an IB premed.</p>
<p>I think IB is fine and there is no reason to get caught up in the hoopla, hype, and intensity of people in MCB- not that IB courses are not competitive, but is seems like a friendlier major.</p>
<p>Hm… realestate…^^^ What do you mean by “secure a 4.0?” in psych? Is it a really easy department? I am also thinking about nutritional sciences-physiology and metabolism as opposed to IB and MCB for now. Not so sure yet.</p>
<p>realestate is ********ting. They post that comment all over the place. They say IB and psych are easy 4.0s but the fact is that though they are easier than MCB, they are not easy 4.0s.</p>